#pm_library: “Sprint”

Adam Kryszkiewicz
1 min readApr 14, 2022


I wish everybody who participates in any design sprint with me would read “Sprint” (written by Jake Knapp, John Zeratsky, and Braden Kowitz). But read it from the benign until the end, not just the first chapter or cover description.

I remember my confusion when I participated in the design sprint for the first time. The facilitator seemed quite experienced. He tries to keep guidance with the book and the timings of each part. But still, I felt like in a rollercoaster most of the time, and it wasn’t a good feeling.

Later I organized and participated in a few more design sprints. But only a few of them help us to verify some hypotheses. Again, different reasons, but all of them could be easily avoidable if the facilitator, decider, or organizer read (or remind) the book.

Conducting a design sprint seemed easy, but it’s just an impression. Book is a perfect guide for doing it, but don’t count on going to shortcuts. Likewise, don’t skip parts of the book you find boring. IMO even all those tiny details like healthy snacks, light meals, or the color or number of post-its and markers matter.



Adam Kryszkiewicz

PM at Displate. We help people to collect their passions. Love working in interdisciplinary teams. Big “Star Trek” fan.