Sermon Title: “Enemy of Progress”

Adam M Kyne
6 min readJul 30, 2023


Text: 2 Timothy 3:8–9

Progress, the lifeblood of nations, societies, churches, and families, stands as a vital catalyst propelling us toward growth, knowledge, and betterment. Alas, progress is frequently met with opposition, both from external entities and, regrettably, from within our very midst. The ongoing events unfurling in our beloved nation, Liberia, present themselves as a profound obstacle obstructing the advancement of national and communal unity.

Societies are woven together by the collective actions of individuals who mold the trajectory of a community’s progress. Yet, adversaries of progress loom large within our societal fabric, bearing names such as greed, self-centeredness, prejudice, and tribalism. The eminent theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer once uttered these words, “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.” These powerful reflections remind us that apathy and complacency stand as adversaries of progress. We are summoned to challenge societal norms perpetuating injustice, discrimination, and inequality.

Our nation, rooted in the principles of Christian values, justice, freedom, and advancement, finds itself beset by numerous adversaries that undermine these very foundations. Corruption, oppressive regimes, and social injustices stand as formidable barriers to the growth and development of nations. The renowned theologian Reinhold Niebuhr aptly proclaimed, “Man’s capacity for justice makes democracy possible, but man’s inclination to injustice makes democracy necessary.” In light of this truth, as citizens and believers, we must actively toil towards eradicating corruption, promoting justice, and tirelessly advocating for the truth, thereby nurturing progress within our nations.

Even within the sanctuary of the church and the nurturing confines of the family, we may find ourselves facing adversaries that impede spiritual growth, unity, and the fulfillment of God’s divine purpose. Divisiveness, legalism, and a lack of spiritual discernment are but a few foes that can halt progress within the body of Christ. The sagacious theologian John Stott eloquently opined, “The church is not a religious community of worshippers of Christ but is Christ Himself who has taken form among people.” To counter these adversaries of progress, it becomes imperative that we prioritize unity, cultivate spiritual maturity, and wholeheartedly embrace the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

As we embark upon this profound exploration of the enemies of progress, let us fervently seek wisdom, discernment, and unity, for it is through the lessons of this biblical text that we shall overcome these formidable adversaries and pave the way for a future filled with advancement, prosperity, and enlightenment. In our text, Paul describes a group of individuals who are “opposed to the truth” and have “corrupted minds.” In our context, these adversaries are political and ecclesiastical forces that hinder progress. These adversaries employ deceptive practices, love self-interest, and suppress truth to maintain their power and hinder the advancement of our nation, community, and the Church. In our text, these opponents are characterized by their deceptive practices, which they employ to deceive others and hinder the advancement of God’s Kingdom. We must understand the nature of these adversaries to recognize and combat similar forces in our lives.

Who is an Enemy of Progress?

Point 1: One who Exhibits the Spirit of Deception

The first degressive practice we encounter in this passage is the spirit of deception. These adversaries, driven by their corrupt minds, seek to distort the truth and lead others astray. The renowned theologian Augustine of Hippo once said, “Deception is the devil’s most powerful weapon.” Indeed, deception has been a tool used by the enemy since the beginning of time. In our own lives, we must be vigilant against the lies and false teachings that can hinder our spiritual progress. We can combat this enemy by immersing ourselves in the Word of God, seeking discernment through prayer, and surrounding ourselves with wise and godly mentors.

In the political landscape, we often witness false promises, corruption, and manipulation of the truth for personal gain. Similarly, within ecclesiastical circles, there are instances of false teachings and leaders who exploit the faith of believers. The theologian Desmond Tutu once said, “If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.” This quote reminds us that as followers of Christ, we must actively discern and expose the deception that hinders progress in both political and ecclesiastical spheres.

As Liberians, we must be vigilant in discerning the truth amidst political campaigns and church leadership. By engaging in critical thinking, seeking transparency, and holding our leaders accountable, we can contribute to the dismantling of deception. Moreover, we should actively promote integrity in politics and pastoral settings, supporting leaders committed to truth and justice.

In our contemporary world, we are bombarded with misinformation and false ideologies. Our responsibility is to diligently seek truth and discernment, especially in matters of faith. By staying rooted in God’s Word and cultivating a discerning spirit, we can navigate through the deceptions of our time and make progress in our spiritual journey.

Point 2: One who Exhibits the Love of Self

The second degressive practice we encounter is the love of self. These adversaries, driven by their desires and pride, prioritize themselves above all else. They are self-centered and lack the humility necessary for progress. The great theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer once wrote, “When Christ calls a man, he bids him come and die.” This quote reminds us that progress in our Christian walk requires self-sacrifice and focusing on serving others rather than ourselves.

In the political realm, self-interest often precedes the nation’s welfare. Similarly, within some ecclesiastical circles, leaders may prioritize personal gain over the spiritual growth and well-being of their congregations. The theologian John Wesley once stated, “Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can.” This quote challenges us to move beyond self-centeredness and embrace a sacrificial love that seeks the progress and well-being of others.

In Liberia, progress is hindered when leaders prioritize their ambitions and interests over the needs of the people. As citizens and members of the Church, we must actively promote servant leadership, advocating for leaders who prioritize the common good. By engaging in acts of service, supporting initiatives that uplift the marginalized, and promoting unity, we can break free from the degressive practice of self-love and make progress in our relationships, communities, and spiritual growth.

Point 3: One Who Exhibits the Suppression of Truth

The final degressive practice we encounter is the suppression of truth. These adversaries actively work to suppress and stifle the truth of the Gospel. The influential theologian Martin Luther King Jr. once proclaimed, “In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” This quote resonates deeply with the idea that progress is hindered when the truth is silenced and suppressed. In our lives, we must be courageous advocates for truth, standing firm in the face of opposition and sharing the gospel boldly.

In a world where the truth is often met with resistance and hostility, we must be unafraid to speak and live out the truth of God’s Word. We can progress by engaging in open and respectful dialogue, defending the truth with love and gentleness, and actively participating in efforts to share the Gospel and bring about positive change in our communities.

In conclusion, our text serves as a timeless reminder of adversaries who oppose progress and the advancement of God’s Kingdom. By examining the character and degressive practices of these opponents, we can gain insight into the forces that hinder progress in our own lives and communities. The spirit of deception, the love of self, and the suppression of truth are all enemies of progress that we must actively combat. May we be vigilant, rooted in truth, selfless in our actions, and bold in proclaiming the Gospel. May we strive for progress, individually and collectively, as we seek to fulfill God’s redemptive purposes in the world.

May the Lord God Bless you and bless you real good!!!

