Step 5: Day of the exam— of 5 Steps to pass your Kubernetes exam

Adam Tworkiewicz
2 min readMay 15, 2021


This is part #5 of the 5 Steps to pass your Kubernetes exam miniseries. In case you missed other parts, here are all the posts:

  1. Decide if you want to become Kubernetes certified.
  2. Learn Kubernetes.
  3. Practice exam problems.
  4. Master the exam environment.
  5. Day of the exam.

In this section, we will cover the day of the exam. You have come a long way, learned Kubernetes fundamental, practiced problems, and perhaps took a practice exam or two. Now it’s time to demonstrate your knowledge in the real exam.

Try and schedule the exam for a slot when you can be rested. For example, early mornings work for me best. I work out early morning to get rid of the anxiety and like to start my exams around 8 AM. The Kubernetes exams are remote. All you need is a room with no distractions and a good internet connection. Before COVID-19 hit, I took exams from the office. It ensured minimum interruptions. Also, it was easy to find a conference room that was easy to scan and approve by proctors. If you have plenty of stuff in your room, e.g. bookshelves, boxes, hardware, proctors will need more time to pan around the room and approve it. Important, you need to be in a closed room. I’ve heard stories about people who attempted to use a living room. Proctors do not allow that.

Before the exam starts, your proctor will ask you to show them the room. I use a camera that is built into my Mac so I have to pick my laptop up and slowly move around. Proctors also want to see the computer itself. I did it using my phone. I put it in selfie mode and put the phone’s screen to the camera.

During the exam, remember about proper time management techniques. Do not spend more than 5 minutes on a task. If you can’t solve it in 5 minutes, move on. You need 66% to pass. You can skip many tasks and still get certified. You can’t afford to miss the tasks you know how to solve.

Once you have submitted the exam you will need to wait about 24 hours for the results. The results will be emailed to you.


In the last step, we covered the day of the exam, the importance of being rested, and managing your time well. If you have not read the other steps, please review to get a good overview of the entire CKAD, CKA, CKS journey.

About Kubewiz offers realistic practice exams for CKAD, CKA, CKS (coming soon).

