Aliens Reproduce With Humans Says a Professor at Oxford University

Adam J.
2 min readMay 20, 2019


In 2001, more than twenty military, intelligence officials, members of the government, representatives of large companies and physicists met at the National Press Club in Washington DC to establish the reality of UFOs, extraterrestrial life forms and technology that exceeds the laws of known physics. One of those present, the retired sergeant of the first class of the United States Army, Clifford Stone, affirmed that there are 57 extraterrestrial species on our planet.(Aliens reproduce with humans)

And in his 1998 book entitled “The Threat , the renowned American historian David M. Jacobs discovered reports about UFOs and alien plans for the future of the Earth. Professor Jacobs said a “change” was coming, a future in which human hybrids would mix with normal humans. But the real change began in 2003, when the extraterrestrial integration action plan was launched. It was the beginning of a silent and insidious invasion. The extraterrestrial hybrids they are already among us, integrated into society, to make them look as normal as your neighbor. However, these experts in their different fields are not the only ones to ensure that there is an extraterrestrial presence on our planet. Now, a leading researcher at the University of Oxford says that aliens are reproducing with humans to create a hybrid race.(Aliens reproduce with humans)

UFOs and Extraterrestrial hybridization

According to Dr. Young-hae Chi, a Korean professor at the Oxford Oriental Institute, aliens are reproducing with humans to produce a superspecies that could save the planet from climate change. Moreover, apparently, they are already among us. Dr. Chi openly believes that there is a “strong correlation” between extraterrestrial abductions and changes in Earth’s climate.(Aliens reproduce with humans)

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