The Phenomenon of Lazaro, People Who Were Resurrected After Being Declared Dead!

Adam J.
2 min readMay 20, 2019


This week a surprising news was going around the world. The Spanish prison authorities were disconcerted after an inmate who was pronounced dead by three different doctors woke up in the morgue, only hours before performing his own autopsy. Gonzalo Montoya Jiménez, the prisoner of 29 years, was found without signs of life in his cell in the morning, on January 7, so he was transferred to the morgue of the Institute of Legal Medicine in a body bag when Pathologists heard something strange: Snoring coming from inside the bag.(resurrected after being declared dead)

Jiménez, who was serving a sentence for copper theft at the Penitentiary Center of Asturias, northwest of Spain, was treated for the first time by two doctors on duty in the prison, after they found him sitting unconscious in a chair in his cell. signs of violence. When he verified that he did not have vital signs, the doctors declared him dead, and an hour later a forensic doctor examined the body, coinciding with the first evaluations and issuing a third death report. Only later in the morgue did the doctors realize that something was not right.

At this point, Jiménez had already spent some time in the morgue, and his skin had been marked with lines for his imminent autopsy, at which point the corpse began to move. Later, Jiménez was taken into custody in an ambulance to another hospital to recover from his mysterious episode, and now appears to be in stable condition, but as to how it happened, the medical authorities of the prison have no explanation.

This is undoubtedly a surprising story that has attracted the attention of both the mainstream media and the scientific community. However, it is not the only well-documented case, which makes us ask the following: Is it a strange medical condition? Or maybe the explanation challenges all our knowledge about life and the afterlife?(resurrected after being declared dead)

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