3 Gray Hat Methods To Grow Personal Instagram Account [F/ UF Twists]

Adam Dimitrijevic
11 min readOct 25, 2019


As you all probably know, regular follow unfollow method doesn’t really work for personal Instagram accounts. Today you are going to learn 3 twists that you can apply to grow your personal account using the follow-unfollow method. I will also show you some examples of people that are doing this successfully. The best thing is that no one will ever know that you are doing follow unfollow.

What Are You Going To Learn

  • Why I Decided To Reveal These Methods
  • What Is Follow Unfollow Method
  • How To Grow Personal Instagram Accounts With F/ UF
  • 3 Twists That You Can Apply
  • Fan Account Growth Hack (Mother & Child Method)
  • Leech Method (Growing Personal Account With Theme Page)
  • Examples Of People Doing Leech Method Successfully
  • Classic Follow Unfollow With A Twist (Method 3)
  • How To Combine All Three Methods And Save Some Time

As always, I’ve made a video covering this in-depth, and I suggest you to check it out.

If you, however, like to learn by reading instead of watching videos than continue reading.

Why I’ve Decided To Reveal These Instagram Growth Methods

You probably heard many times that follow unfollow is bad and that it doesn’t work. I’ve already explained why it’s not true when it comes to niche and theme accounts, and I’m even growing a page from scratch publicly, just to debunk some of the myths regarding follow-unfollow. However when it comes to personal accounts it’s absolutely true that follow unfollow doesn’t work, BUT there’s a twist that you can apply to make follow unfollow method work for your personal account. In my video where I’m explaining the follow unfollow method in-depth, I’ve said that if the video receives 50 likes I will be making a video on how to do follow unfollow for personal accounts. The video currently sits at 62 likes, so it’s time to show you twists that you can apply to grow your personal page.

I’m sure most of you already know what follow unfollow method is, and since I’ve already made a video and article explaining it in-depth, in case you want to refresh your memory or you don’t really know what it is, make sure to check it out first since I’m showcasing it step by step, and some things are not how they used to be with this method (especially with follow limits now) so make sure to check that out if you haven’t already.

Twists That You Can Apply For Personal IG Growth

There are actually several different ways to make follow unfollow work for a personal page, so let’s go over these methods one by one.

Fan Accounts Growth Hack (Mother & Child Method)

This is a method that you can apply to grow your personal page with follow unfollow method indirectly.

What you want to do is to make several accounts that are like fan pages for your personal account. You probably saw these type of pages for public figures and celebrities already. You want to make a fan page for your own personal account where you will be resharing content from your personal page, maybe make some memes, add funny captions and so on. In the BIO of these fan pages, you would link to your personal account and in each post as well.

Now you just need to apply regular follow/ unfollow strategy on these fan accounts. People that check your fan account are going to check the main account as well (your personal account) and maybe drop a follow.

This method is also called the Mother-Child method or Mother-Slave Method. The more fan accounts you make the more effective this method is going to be. Mother & Child method was really great and effective before June 2019 when Instagram started to tighten its rules to prevent automation. You could basically make 10s or even 100s of these fan accounts put them into an automation tool like Jarvee and grow your personal page on autopilot. Now however since you need to do things manually, it’s really not that effective. Please don’t get me wrong automation and botting still works and can be done, but it’s just much more expensive and harder. You will waste a lot of time if you want to run more than 2–3 fan accounts manually, and if you are not famous and already have some following, running this method with only 2–3 fan accounts won’t get you much results.

But still if you have some free time, you can try it and if you are doing everything right with your personal page, publishing HQ content consistently, it will bring you some results and some genuine followers which are going to engage with your content and increase your exposure. EVERY NEW FOLLOWER COUNTS!

It’s up to you to decide if this method is for you or not. If you need more explanation regarding Mother and Slave method you can just google or let me know and I’ll try to make another post explaining it in depth.

Leech Method (Growing Personal Account With Theme Page)

This method is really the most effective method right now that you can use to grow your personal page. It’s pretty simple really, all you need to do is to start building a theme or niche page around the same topic and interests that you are covering with your personal page.


Let’s say you are a travel photographer, what you want to do is to make a niche page about travel. Then you are going to start growing this page using my follow unfollow-method. You can link to your personal account from the BIO of your niche page as an admin or something like that and also occasionally repost some of your own content from your personal page.

PRO TIP: When you do post your own content, make a few stories where you will be showing your face, explaining more about how that piece of content was created or something like that while mentioning your personal account for people who might be interested in more of your own content. This should increase your conversion to followers drastically.

This method really works great since you can grow a theme page like that relatively quickly, as I’m showing in my 0 to 10k followers challenge, bringing a ton of exposure to your personal profile.

PRO TIP: Once your theme page starts to get some traction and growth you can also use it as leverage where you will exchange shoutouts with other theme pages asking them to repost content from your personal page in exchange for a shoutout that you are going to post on your theme page. This is really an awesome strategy and if you know how to network through Instagram DMs you won’t have any problem growing extremely quickly.

The best thing about this method is that in the end, you will end up with multiple assets, depending on how many theme/ feature pages you decide to open, that you can use to make money on Instagram (Theme Page/s + Personal Page).

PRO TIP: Once you grow your theme page past 10k followers, you can start monetizing it, and use the money you earn to promote your personal page and grow even faster.

In my opinion, this is the best and the most time-effective way right now to grow your personal Instagram page and it’s pretty easy to implement. You are going to start seeing results pretty fast which will also motivate you to keep pushing. Again if you have time, you can easily start several theme pages and grow them simultaneously, the more pages you start the faster you will grow.

If you are following my methods, it should take you from 1 to 3 months to grow a theme page (even if you are a complete beginner) to 10k followers and within one year you can easily grow to 100k followers. Imagine having multiple 100k pages linking and reposting the content from your personal page, and also leveraging them to get free shoutouts from other popular pages. Your personal page will grow to 100k in no time.

If you decide to go with this method, and you’ve never grown a theme page before, I suggest you check my 0 to 10k series where I’m growing a theme page from scratch to first 10k followers and showing everything that I’m doing step by step. You can really learn a lot from it.

I also want to note that if you decide to make multiple theme pages, you should choose a slightly different niche for each and not go with exactly the same niche. For example, if we use travel niche and the account that I’m growing in my series as an example, the second account can feature only Norway photos, the 3rd only Iceland photos and so on, or the second account can feature only nature photos, the 3rd only aerial photos, 4th only videos and so on. There is really a ton of different angles that you can take here. That way you will be able to reach a much broader audience and also prevent bans since if you create multiple pages, from same device or IP, that are exactly the same Instagram can consider that as spam and start disabling your accounts.

Transforming Feature Page Into Personal Page 2.0

Finally, once you get good at creating HQ content for your personal page, start producing more new content and have enough old content which is in the exact same niche as you theme page you can convert your theme page to your own personal page 2.0, where you won’t be reposting other people’s content anymore and instead just use your own content for each new post. This will, of course, skyrocket your personal page growth. This strategy works pretty great for building brand Instagram pages as well. If you are interested in to building and growing brand pages, please let me know because that’s where I have the most knowledge (when it comes to Instagram growth).

Examples Of People Doing This Successfully

Now let me show you some examples of people who are using this method successfully in various niches:

Since I don’t have a gallery plugin installed on this website yet (I’m lazy what can I say) I suggest you to check the examples in my video. By clicking here you will go straight to the example part of my video.

I think I’ve explained this method pretty well and you already got the idea of how powerful this method is to grow your personal or brand Instagram page but if you want me to go even more in-depth about it and to reveal more tips, tricks and strategies behind it, let me know down in the comment section and I will make a video and article guide showing it step by step.

Classic Follow Unfollow With A Twist (Method 3)

This method is not indirect like other two that I’ve covered, it is a classic follow unfollow but your following target is only people that already engaged with your content. (Liked or Commented some of your posts).

What you want to do is basically follow everyone that like or comment on your posts. This way you are targeting people who are already somewhat familiar with your personal page, and they’ve seen it before. Your follow back ratio will be much higher and you will be getting a ton of targeted and engaged followers. It’s super effective and since you are only following people who engaged you won’t end up with low follower count and extremely high following count that looks unnatural. You also won’t need to worry much about action blocks since you won’t be following a huge amount of people per day.

Combining These Methods

If you really want to grow your personal page and brand fast you can combine these methods, and see which one works the best for you and then focus more on it. These methods basically work with every type of personal page, even with the page where you are just posting selfies. But I really suggest that you should have a niche since it’s much easier to grow and monetize.

PRO TIP: If you don’t have much time, I would advise you to focus on method #2 and #3. Once you start growing a theme page and repost your own content on it, you can apply method #3 on that post, and follow people who engaged with that post. It won’t have that high follow-back ratio like you would get when you follow people who engaged with the posts on your personal page directly, but the follow ratio will still be much higher than if you did regular follow unfollow and targeted people who liked some random post in your niche.

How To Save Time While Doing These Methods

Another thing that you can do to save some time is to schedule posts for your page in advance. A lot of people are still not aware that Instagram actually has a scheduling feature which is completely free to use and since you are not using any 3rd party apps or tools you are not risking getting action blocks and things like that.

Wrapping Up

Let me know the niche you are in, so that next time I can be a bit more specific and show methods and examples that are specific to your niche.

If you want to watch my future videos & read my articles to learn more about growing on Instagram and making money online make sure to subscribe to the Equals Cash Youtube channel and bookmark this blog. I will soon make a mailing list, but as I’ve mentioned I’m lazy what can I say (Just kidding, I really don’t have enough time right now, and it’s not my main focus). I’m sharing and revealing everything that I’ve learned since 2010 absolutely free and content like this is what you can expect (no fluff, no BS pure step by step spoon-feeding).

If you have any questions or need help, let me know down in the comment section and as always I’m going to answer ASAP (Usually within the first 24 hours).

If this helped you and you liked my personal page growth tutorial please share it with your friends or on social media, it would really mean a lot to me.

Thanks so much for reading and see you soon.



Adam Dimitrijevic

Making full-time income online since 2010. Currently doing paid traffic AM, Instagram marketing, ecom and building my personal brand — Equals Cash.