Dolomite Launching Limit Order Margin Trading on Friday

Adam Knuckey
2 min readNov 4, 2019

We’re excited to announce that this Friday the 8th margin trading will go live on Dolomite! After our full launch you will be able to open leveraged short or long positions on our ETH/DAI trading pair, with more pairs to come in the future.

DEX margin trading made easy.

We’ve aimed to make DEX margin trading as easy and powerful as possible. Dolomite will be one of the first DEXs to offer limit orders for margin trading, allowing you to place a trade with up to 5x leverage at an exact price, rather than needing to place it at the market price. We’ve also designed the process to be as clear and streamlined as possible, making it easy to open a position right from your wallet in seconds.

Backed by strong tech.

We’ve built our margin trading on top of the dYdX Protocol, giving us access to over $30 million in lending liquidity. We’ve also developed something that we’re calling margin protection, which will liquidate your position at a slightly higher collateralization in order to allow you to retain as much of your deposit as possible (when your collateral drops to 116.5% vs 115%). After liquidation you’ll still have 15% of your initial deposit rather than 10%, saving you crypto that you can put towards your next investment!

We can’t wait to hear your feedback.

This launch brings us one step closer to a better decentralized trading future. We can’t wait for you to try out the platform for yourself and hear to your feedback!

