Your worst enemy is yourself

Adam Skali
Published in
5 min readSep 12, 2019


Photo by Michał Parzuchowski on Unsplash

I woke up as every morning to the sound of the alarm and got ready to go to work.

The night wasn’t the best, I had to wake up twice during the night but it was the usual so I could deal with it. I could even think that it was a rather good night of sleep since I got more than 7h and I felt kind of refreshed when I woke up.

So overall not a bad way to start the day, I had a bit more of energy and even a little spring to my first step. Or so I though, because just after getting up they started.

The negative thoughts.

Photo by Bayarkhuu Battulga on Unsplash

Those thoughts that you get telling you how lazy you are and how you should have gotten up earlier to be productive and make use of the morning. Those thoughts that tell you how useless you are because you are behind in schedule for something that doesn’t even have a schedule. Or those that remind you of how you screwed up that one time when you were five.

I thought that these kind of thoughts were something that only I had. I even came to accept them as a part of my daily life. Just that douchy inner voice once again, nothing to fret about. But this wasn’t the case.



Adam Skali

Self-development I ScienceStorytelling I CareerDevelopment