Squad Alpha №4

Adam Bomb Squad
2 min readOct 5, 2021


Good morning, Squad!

Adam Bomb Squad is now featured on Rarity Tools, one of the premier NFT rarity websites that parses attributes and ranks collectibles according to their own algorithms. Many collectors and traders use Rarity Tools to guide them on which NFTs to buy and sell. It’s also a more organized and categorized method of appreciating the art and diversity of the NFTs.

Although we do not officially endorse any third-party rarity or ranking websites, we consider the marketing exposure and utility that Rarity Tools brings to Adam Bomb Squad. As we’ve stated before, judging NFT rarities is highly subjective and no outside calculation can capture the larger strategy behind Adam Bomb Squad’s collectibles. Within Rarity Tools alone, there are 8 different statistical models. Other rarity sites have their own computations. Meanwhile, we have intentions and objectives for the NFTs that cannot be quantified by trait volume or summarized by percentages.

So, our suggestion would be to use all the information at your disposal to decide which ABS collectibles to get behind. You can use Rarity Tools, but also consider the names of the artists behind official collaborations. Think about the solidarity grounding certain character tribes. Please remember that we edited the collection down to 25,000 bombs and backgrounds with their own specific importance and role. In short, every bomb is rare and valuable. Rarity Tools is the convenient NFT filter for today, but over time, collectors will understand how other factors come into play in determining bomb status.

Couple more things! As promised, every wallet holder in Adam Bomb Squad can now sign up to receive their free T-shirt (We will verify the wallet contains an ABS NFT). The T-shirt with the black print will go to the majority of bomb holders. If it wasn’t obvious already, the T-shirt with the red print will go to bomb holders with red stickers in the top right corner of their NFT. Blue goes to blue stickers. Green to green stickers.

You have one week to fill out this form, so please tell your friends: https://forms.gle/WqdYXRoo6efz4L9h7

And lastly, we are throwing our annual food festival, Family Style, this Sunday in Los Angeles. All ABS holders get a special discount code to buy tickets (View the pinned messages in the member exclusive channel within Discord to get the code).

If you are a sticker holder, you get to attend the event for FREE. Red sticker holders, in particular, get VIP passes. TODAY IS THE LAST DAY TO SIGN UP AS A STICKER HOLDER (you have until 3pm PST).

Can’t wait to meet and eat with you all!



Adam Bomb Squad

The Official Medium for Adam Bomb Squad. Join us on The Hundreds' Discord.