Update: Broken Backgrounds

Adam Bomb Squad
2 min readOct 22, 2021


There are 267 NFTs in the Adam Bomb Squad collection with a metadata trait that reads, “Broken Backgrounds.” The story goes as follows: Upon the bombs’ reveal back in September, we quickly realized that 267 of the 25,000 bombs were assigned a corrupted background image. So, we made the quick fix with the intended background art for each bomb. To smooth things over, we promised every Broken Background a free airdrop NFT. At the time, there was a fun ABS meme circulating on Discord on the subject of mules. We thought of gifting identical mule cartoons as a fun joke. But, then we thought deeper on the mistake, how it had affected a drop that we wanted to go so perfectly, and how the term “broken backgrounds” can speak to a broader perspective that we’ve carried at The Hundreds about finding strength in shortcomings.

I even loved the name: Broken Backgrounds™. Sounded like a brand in itself. In fact, it could be an NFT collection in itself. Most NFT sets that are out there emphasize the foreground character, but Adam Bomb Squad is different in that the background art can mean as much as the Adam, Badam, or Madam Bomb. There are entire tribes now built around specific backgrounds. And the way we always looked at it, the cartoon characters represented the T-shirt graphics side of our business. The backgrounds were reflective of the cut-n-sew facet of The Hundreds apparel.

So, let’s put some more intention and purpose behind Broken Backgrounds™. We designed an entire set of mashed-up patterns, solids, and camouflages from our Adam Bomb Squad collection. This isn’t about rarities or traits or flipping — this has become an off-shoot NFT project that is meant to be considered as great art and storytelling with a deeper philosophical meaning. If all goes according to plan, we will be airdropping these to Broken Backgrounds™ holders this weekend (so, look out for them before Monday!).

Also, one more thing. When we put the designs together, we start with a much larger candidate pool. So, there is an inventory of lost Broken Backgrounds™ that we’re sitting on. It’s almost a shame to see such great designs go unappreciated. We’ll leave it up to the Community to decide, but if you think we should open up a limited supply for ABS members to purchase (obviously, not to be airdropped for free), let us know. There are many ways that we can do this and we’re excited to see how this idea evolves.



Adam Bomb Squad

The Official Medium for Adam Bomb Squad. Join us on The Hundreds' Discord.