Learn The Recipes Of Delicious Food!

Cookin Israel
3 min readSep 19, 2017

I have every confidence in the power of god, he is master of his work and he knows who he is. I feel that he is always aware of what he is doing and he does not learn from mistake because I never seen him making one. Do you see any of his mistakes? He created human and installed the every emotion in it, human was installed by the anger, love, hate, fear and laughter and many more emotions and abilities. But the most important of them is its endless hunger, ability to devour almost everything which moves includes plants, eat animals and creatures which fly in the sky or live under water. Nothing is safe from the human devour, it is dangerous to be tasty in the human dominated earth.

Read Also:- From Food to Teaching How to Cook, Israel on the Go!

Human discovered different spices to make food tasty-

If any plant or species are tasty to human tongue, it should be worried since it would be killed, poached, chopped and boiled and cooked to be eaten now and no one can stop human. Human has been devouring from the time unknown, it has taste the delicious food, cuisines and fishes. This is ironical and matter of laughter that the human has been eating the sacks of meat and wheat, but human is still hungry and lurks to eat the next lunch or dinner. Will this hunger ever end? I cannot say anything. Well, human is wise or we can say human like to think that it is wise and discovered the different , vivid, and strange kinds of ways to cook its food. The human did not stop by just boiling the crude meat, but went to great extent and discovered the herb and spices from the nature, just to make to food tastier.

Different methods of cooking are discovered-

The love of human for the food is unprecedented and it has discovered the herbs just to make food look good and smell good, so that human can eat a lot. I came across a story about an emperor in Europe who was so fond of food that he would eat a lot of tasty food and then would take medicine to vomit it out, just to eat once again. Well, this is not common, but it is hard to deny that there is any sane man on this planet who does not love tasty food.

Israel is the fusion point of many civilizations and cooking culture of this city is very rich and you can learn from it how to cook delicious-

The ancient civilization discovered different kinds of cooking methods and which is more ancient and culturally mature than Israel. The fusion point of the different civilization brought the cooking style and methods into assimilation and it very rich in it. We all have heard about the food festival of Tel Aviv in which numberless tourist participate to taste and learn the method of making the delicious food. There are many website on which the experienced people can teach you way of cooking.



Cookin Israel

Orly lives just north of Tel Aviv with her husband and three children, two of whom also love to cook. As she likes to put it: “On our culinary tour of Israel.