A Focus Group of RFK Jr. Voters: A Rare Insight

What motivates someone to think about voting for RFK? This video gave me some insight into how an RFK Junior Voter is thinking.

Adam the New Yorker
17 min readFeb 19, 2024

Background: What is Breaking Points?

Full disclosure, I do not typically like this channel. Saagar and Krystal I was introduced to in 2020 when I first started following the political goings on, and I wasn’t impressed. It was either late 2020, early 2021 when I first saw them, and I remember finding it weird that very nearly after the insurrection, they were covering the Reddit gamestop stock standoff.

I didn’t know what kind of channel the Hill was at the time, but while I thought the perspective was unique, something felt off about the show to me. I’ve come to know these people slightly more via other interviews and Krystal’s husband or boyfriend, Kyle Kulinski, is someone who I watched at the time. His channel is named Secular Talk, and I had actually first encountered him on the Joe Rogan podcast during the boringest and scariest of the pre-election COVID days. The following year I got sick of his seeming double standard in how he covered his friends and how he covers other things, and the flip flopping was too much for me. I think he’s an honest guy, but also seems a bit immature and full of…



Adam the New Yorker

-BS in Computer Science , Elder Millennial, Social Commentator https://www.buymeacoffee.com/adamgordonny Link to bio taken down for security concerns.