Adam the New Yorker
2 min readJun 13, 2024


Pretty bold assertion that Biden absolutely has dementia and Trump “probably does” , from an English literature PhD. Go talk to John Gartner or Harry Segal about this , they actually study this and assess both candidates weekly, on their podcast Shrinking Trump.

I like Bernie and think he has good ideas , but this sounds like some bitter hangover from 2016. If Bernie’s policies are to be implemented , he needs a Congress to vote on these policies.

It’s kind of intellectually dishonest to so boldly declare something you don’t have the expertise to diagnose, nor does it seem like you sought it. But why Bernie, why now ? We’re not electing an autocrat (hopefully) , we’re electing the CEO of the US federal government.

Bernie will be way more helpful staying in the senate and he is the same age as Biden . Biden tried to do Bernie type things just to get shut down by members of his own party like Manchin, Sinema, and Gottheimer. So why would Bernie have any better luck ?

This is wishful thinking at best and an absolutely horrible idea given the stakes, especially when based on a shaky premise that sounds straight out of a TYT clip.

Like any other movement for change , expecting the entire school of mainstream thought to flip on one persons election without forming a cult, is not well thought out, and ignores so many factors that its really hard to even see that this is done in good faith.

I actually look back at 2016 and throw more blame on disaffected Bernie voters ,staying home than anything any other individual could have done. I don’t blame Bernie , I look more to people with this line of thinking who are so idealistic and ideological that theyll repeat 2016 just to make a point. Then you’ll be lucky to have health care at all , let alone universal healthcare.

Sorry , not buying it

