Mocking React Router’s match object in component unit tests

Adam J. Arling
2 min readSep 24, 2019

Recently our UI team has switched from Enzyme to Kent Dodd’s Testing Library for a much improved, simplified experience in testing JavaScript and React components.

The issue
We have a growing number of applications which rely upon React Router to to handle client-side routing, and a good number of “container” components are dependent upon a URL parameter value for making network requests.

When testing these components with Testing Library / Jest, we need a way to mock routes and route parameter values via React Router’s match object in our component tests.

In one application, the following UI interface route is structured as http://some-url-here/project/project-id-goes-here:

A url parameter in current route

In a React container component which drives the UI above, the component’s network request is dependent upon the id from match.params (which is passed as a prop to the component when wrapped with React Router’s withRouter()).

So, the component grabs a project id value, then passes the value to our GraphQL API to retrieve additional project data for the component.



Adam J. Arling

Front End Developer who enjoys creating exceptional user experiences using JavaScript, React, TypeScript, NextJS, and API-driven development.