What to do if You Are a Slow Thinker.

Adam King
5 min readOct 2, 2020
Photo by Anthony Tori on Unsplash

I didn’t know I was smart. People tried to tell me and encourage me, but I always needed more time. Growing up, my friends were witty, savage, and processed information far faster than I did. In the US, people equate speed with intelligence. Everyone thinks that the guy who finishes the test first is the smartest.

If you weren’t the fastest, I’ve got some good news. Not only are you smarter than you gave yourself credit for, but you also have some gifts that come with your unique set of skills.

What it means to be slow

Every year new processors are developed for computers. One of the main components of a processor is how fast it is. I’m no techy, but my new phone is way faster than my old phone. Fortunately, we aren’t phones.

Those of us who take more time to process information have slower processors. But unlike computer processors, our slower processors can make connections and compute information that our faster brothers and sisters miss. We are also able to manage tasks with greater patience and thought.

A tale of two boys

Two of my sons have dyslexia. One of them is equipped with an incredibly fast processor. He does math at lightning speed. He does a Rubik’s cube in under two minutes. He never stops moving, and he can’t…



Adam King

Lead Coach at Wise in the Making. Paramedic, Philosopher, and Father of six kids. Writing to make the world a better place. www.wiseinthemaking.com