5am wake up challenge

Adam Kruger
2 min readJul 31, 2019


I’ve had a lot of difficulties avoiding snoozing my alarm and waking up early.

What’s worked best for me in the past is holding myself accountable, while also putting some money on the line.

This Medium post will serve as a source of accountability, and I’m also going to pay a friend $20 for each day that I fail to reach my goal.

I’m going to make this a 30 day challenge, including weekends. Rules are I have to get up the moment my alarm goes off at 5am, and stay awake for the rest of the day (no naps).

As I head into the final 29 days, here are some things I wonder…

  • How many days will I actually be able to get up at 5am?
  • What would “success” look like to me? Would I have to wake up at 5am all 30 days, or would I be happy with 25+?
  • How will this impact my energy levels thoughout the day?
  • Will I regret doing this challenge?
  • If I’m successful at this challenge, how much of it will be because of the accountability piece vs. the financial piece?
  • Will I be able to consistently get to sleep between 9–10pm?

I’ll be editing this post as I go, marking my progress along the way.

Day 1: ✓

Day 2: ✓

Day 3: ✓

Day 4: ✓

Day 5: ✓

Day 6: ✓ (Sort of cheated this day — got up at 5, but went back to bed for a bit around 7. Next time I do this I’ll have to pay up!)

Day 7: ✓

Day 8: ✗ (-$20)

Day 9: ✓

Day 10: ✓

