Adam Laor’s View on the Impact of Uncontrolled Luck in Your Life

Adam Laor
8 min readMar 12, 2019


And how to create that luck if you didn’t find yours yet.

Uncontrolled luck is to me one of the things that I’m most grateful for in my life. But before we take a deep dive into this, let’s define what uncontrolled luck actually is.

Uncontrolled luck: The cards that God deals you to play and use in life. These cards are skills, family, circumstances, and the DNA that’s given to you. All of these cards are the things that you can’t change, and have to deal with as the foundation of your life, whether they give off positive or negative effects on you.

So, now that we’ve identified what uncontrolled luck is, let’s take a deep dive into how each one of those cards can and will play a drastic factor in your life.


The first card we’ll talk about are the skills given to you at birth. This of course we can’t control. All of us have strengths in different areas of life, like science, math, communication, selling…. And the list goes on and on. Skills play a huge factor in your life, as they determine parts of your life not just in the future with what profession you land in, but the childhood you have. How? Well, let’s say you’re like me; you love sell stuff and innovate things (improve or make better). School is likely not going to be your strength, especially if you have the DNA that I had. When I was in elementary school, I never paid any attention in class. Neither did I in middle school, and I still don’t today in high school. As a matter of fact, I sit here writing this article while I sit in English class,bored out of my mind reading a book about witchcraft. So fascinating, right? I always struggled to pay attention in class simply because I thought in my head, “what value does this bring me…?”. I always struggled to be interested in things that didn’t have a positive ROI on my investment of time and effort to pay attention and learn. Now tying into the skills card, is the importance of self awareness. I’m extremely self aware about my strengths and weaknesses in life are. I’ve been fortunate enough as well to find my purpose in life, and do so at such a young age. Now, if you’re not as self aware as you’d like to be, than there’s only one way in my opinion to becoming it; trying and doing as many things as possible. What exactly do I mean by that? You need to dip your foot in as many ponds as possible, and see which one’s temperature you like the most. Try everything that seems interesting and captivating to you, and take a deep dive into it until you go, “ugh, I’m sick of this”. By doing that, you’ll not only unlock what you aspire to be, but also the skills that you have and where your strengths and weaknesses lie. Remember, with skills in general, it’s always best to go deep, not wide.


Family: Mom, dad, or any extended family that has a significant impact on the growth of someone during the early stages of life.

Ah, the people you truly always count on. Now, I get asked a lot, “Adam, how does my family play a role in determining my success in life?”, to which I answer: it all comes down to how they raise you and their views on career and life paths. Let’s begin with how they raise you. I’m a product of doing horrible in school, as I never studied or payed attention. Most parents would drown their children in pessimistic thoughts and develop insecurities inside of them, but my parents actually did the very opposite. Instead of reacting that way towards me and my efforts in school, they drowned me in positive self esteem, confidence and happiness. Now, they made me accountable for my shortcomings and times when I’d come home with a 47 on a science test, but only to develop accountability, not for the lack of the grade. I vividly remember having dinner with family friends at a restaurant one night, and my dad would not stop complimenting me for holding the door for people and acting like a professional in the restaurant. But again, when he was complimenting my manners and etiquette, it wasn’t the actual acts of holding the door or engaging in the conversations throughout the night, but all about teaching me lessons. What lesson? Kindness. He was a genius about executing that on me. Since he drowned me in props and applause, I felt great, like I was on top of the world (what young kid wouldn’t be so hype when getting complimented by their dad). And because of that feeling, I wanted to do more, I.E more acts of kindness. That turned out to be me just growing into part of the person that I am becoming today, and not just for the compliments of my dad. So my parents taught me lessons and important traits that a good person should have.

Meanwhile, I see lots of my friends and people around me already under the mindset that they’ve failed in life because they couldn’t get into harvard, or become a doctor, etc. That’s not entirely their fault, besides the fact that they’re dwelling on it and not working to fix it, but the parents have a large part to do in that area. So, if you were blessed with world class, amazing parents like I was, than just keep grinding and doing your thing. But if you’re not one of those, you’ve got to just put your head down and do whatever needs to be done to fill the whole that your parents may have created in you when you were a young child.

You must also be able to rise above and defeat the negativity and the pessimism that is casted on you from your parents and family members. I never knew this was a factor in people until I saw and heard it first hand. My best friend has had a complete mindset shift due to his parents always putting pressure and comparing him to others. He went from happy, joyus, and optimistic; to suddenly extremely pessimistic, sad, and doubtful of himself in almost all aspects of his life. It’s fascinating what letting other people’s opinions can do to you when you let it penetrate your mind. And because of this example, I preach on my social platforms the importance of developing such a strong mindset.


Circumstances: One’s situation social and economic situation when born.

One’s circumstances can also fall under the family dynamic. So here, let’s take a deep dive into how exactly this plays out in determining someone’s success in life:

Let’s say you’re born into a super wealthy family, with everything ready and waiting for you on a silver platter. While to most of you who think that’s the dream, I can assure you are 100% wrong. Why? Because that means that every little piece of success that you accomplish individually will all tie back to daddy and how he did it for you. That tears at people, especially the ones with large ambitions and drive. That means that no matter what you build, or accomplish in your lifetime, you get a grand total of zero credit for doing so, simply because you are from a family that had it made for you. Now yes, of course, there can be those who are vice versa to that example, but this is the reality for many children of affluent parents who are born with real ambition.

And then there’s the crowd of people who come from the dirt. From the trenches. All the way from the bottom. And it’s these people who, if born with talent and extreme ambition, they can and do make it. There’s countless examples of people like this; LeBron James, Michael Jordan, Gary Vaynerchuk, Oprah Winfrey… and the list goes on and on. All these people grew up with a chip on their shoulder and some type of talent and ruthless hunger and work ethic. This is why, again, no matter who you are and what kind of background you come from, if you develop a ruthless work ethic and are truly hungry as can be to win, it will happen, just like it did for these icons.

So, I actually believe that if you’re from a rough background, but you have a strong, bright mindset, I believe that you have an even better shot for success because of the chip on your shoulder. Even if you come with disadvantaged circumstances, you can still achieve the same amount of success and the others, but you just have to put in the work, and not be afraid to eat the dirt to have the accomplishments you desire.


What i consider DNA: The natural, God-given skills and abilities you possess that you don’t learn or download into your brain.

To me, your DNA can include tendencies that you’ve had as a kid, skills that you’ve had almost naturally, interests, and the list goes on and on. It’s all about when you find out about these gifts and how you use them. What’s that called? Self awareness.

Self awareness is one thing that if you uncover, and young, you have a high chance of really succeeding. Why? Because you’re leaning into your natural strengths and interests, which will cause you to work harder and longer because you enjoy it, thus creating great results at the end of your professional career. Like I mentioned earlier, the only way that you discover your skills are by doing; taking massive action.

To me, DNA is also the mindset that one has. Whether you have an optimistic or pessimistic mindset is a big factor IMO to how you grow and create barriers for yourself. For example, if you’re optimistic, you’ll have the open-minded mentality to go out and try to accomplish new goals and reach new heights. However, if you have a pessimistic mindset, than you’re more likely to create your own barriers and limits on what you can do because you think that leveling up to certain degrees is just unattainable.

And these mentalities can also be created by your family and the circumstances that you’re put under at a young age. And if you’re lucky enough to be born with a chip on your shoulder and an extreme hunger for success, you’ll be able to shift your mindset, but it takes lots of time, patience and effort.

So, IMO, these 4 cards of uncontrolled luck are some large determining factors in one’s success. And if you haven’t noticed by now, they’re all connected one way or another.

If you’re reading this and thinking, “WOW am I lucky”, super pumped for you. Keep grinding and doing your thing.

And if you’re thinking, “Well, I don’t really have many of the good things under these 4 cards”, it’s okay. Understand that the fate of your life is in your hands. A valuable lesson that I’m learning on my journey is when you’re not satisfied with what you have, the answer is always more. Make a change today. Don’t wait for tomorrow. Make it happen NOW.



Adam Laor

19. Building the Next FAANG @ Sinatra. Turning AZ into a Tech Hub. Hungry + Foolish.