This is Jobs’ House. Apple Park represents a benchmark in Structural Expressionism and Landscape Architecture.

Adam Maz
4 min readOct 8, 2018


Apple Park constitutes the most spectacular High Architecture I have ever seen. Apple Park’s Architecture is enduringly modern and oppulent. The Complex represents a benchmark in Structural Expressionism and Landscape Architecture.

Apple Park minimizes environmentally destructive impacts by integrating itself with living processes.

Apple Park is an accomplishment that exists in harmony with it’s natural surroundings. Thoughtful consideration is given to how people interact with and use the building. Doors at Apple Park are at once expressions of brilliant Design and Usability.

Accessibility is widely promoted throughout Apple Park’s Design.

Both the Exterior and Interior of Apple Park artfully consider Heuristics of ‘Accessibility’ in fundamentally profound new ways. For example, Hand Gestures allow Visitors to open large Doors from a distance. I was able to open a massive Entrance Door with a wave of my Hand.

Human Computer Interaction is so remarkably and thoughtfully considered at Apple Park.

Colours, materials and finishes have been selected very carefully and deliberately. The curved glass curtains that envelop the facility defy ideals of Economy in Design to support ideals of Ecological Design.

Augmented Reality and High Technology Architecture

High Tech Architecture was a development of British Modernist Architecture from the late 1960s and was a concept, rather than a style. Based on engineering and construction and other aspects such as the manipulation of space, High Tech was marked by a preference for lightweight materials and sheer surfaces, a readiness to adopt new techniques from engineering and other technologies, and the celebratory display of a building’s construction and services.

The tenants of British Modernist Architecture are observed very closely by Apple Park. Technology and Architecture merge together in perhaps the most sophistical demonstration of Augmented Reality I have seen.

Augmented Reality and Cognitive Psychology are immediate and active areas of Research that I am pursuing while I work towards my Ph.D in Human Computer Interaction. Professionally I actively Research, Design and Develop Augmented Reality Applications and Solutions for Large Corporations.

The Scale Replica shown below is much more than any ordinary Scale Replica. Overlaid on the model is a grid that I believe helps with Scene Understanding.

Presumably a combination of Apple’s Vision and ARKit Frameworks are used to handle positional tracking and scene understanding on the iPads Visitors are allowed to use.

What happened next really surprised me…the rendering of the Scene was almost photo-realistic. The detail of the Scene and all of the Procedural Animations used were nothing short of remarkable.

From a technical standpoint, Photo-realism in Augmented Reality is still a challenge. Photo-realistic experiences are computationally intensive and tricky experiences to Develop from an Art standpoint.

As I experienced this impressive Space, I was reminded of my favorite quote of all time.

“Here’s to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes… the ones who see things differently — they’re not fond of rules… You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can’t do is ignore them because they change things… they push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.”

— Steve Jobs

I would like to thank my friends at Apple for my tour and commend you on what you’ve built.



Adam Maz

Ph.D. Student in Computer Science, studying Artificial Intelligence and Robotics.