Vue-router — props — 1/2

How to send data as props by vue-router

Adam Orłowski
3 min readDec 12, 2019
Something you didn’t know about vue-router!

This is the first(1) part of a two(2) part series on props in vue-router. Checkout the other articles in the series:

  1. Vue-router — props — 1/2 : How to send data as props (you are here)
  2. Vue-router — props — 2/2: How to send data between components (soon)

In this article I will cover three(3) things:

  1. How to pass data to a component as props by vue-router?
  2. How to register $route.params as props ?
  3. How to modify $route.paramsand send custom prop?

Ad. 1.

First things first. How do you pass props with vue-router ?

// DisplayComponent takes {user} as props and display it<template>
User name:
<strong>{{ user.firstName }} {{ user.lastName }}</strong>
export default {
name: "DisplayComponent",
props: {
user: {
type: Object,
required: true,
//  router.js
routes: [
... // some other routes you need
path: "/display-component",
name: "DisplayComponent",
component: DisplayComponent,
props: { // <-- props as an Object
user: {
firstName: "John",
lastName: "Snow",

That’s it!

Since we now know how to send props by vue-router let’s jump to the next question.

Ad 2.

Did you ever find yourself in a situation where you had some data in a $route.paramslike the id and kept using this.$ in your methods and computed properties?

Of course you did, we all did one time ;-)

// DisplayComponentParams display user id from $<template>
User id:
<strong>{{ $ }}</strong>
export default {
name: "DisplayComponentParams",

The example above doesn’t look scary, but imagine a big component where you use this.$ all over your methods and computed.
This can be simplified.

// DisplayComponentParams display user id from props<template>
User id:
<strong>{{ id }}</strong>
export default {
name: "DisplayComponentParams",
props: {
id: {
type: String,
required: true,

In router.js you simply need to “turn on” props ;-)

//  router.js
routes: [
... // some other routes you need
path: "/display-component-params/:id",
name: "DisplayComponentParams",
component: DisplayComponentParams,
props: true, // <-- props as a Boolean

Now all the params from the router go to the component as props.
Got it? Great!

Now it’s time for a combo :D

Ad. 3.

Imagine a situation where you have a route, with params, something like above:
display-component-params-combo/:id but you want to send a totaly different prop based on that param.
How would you do that?

// DisplayComponentParamsCombo display section if topUser<template>
<button v-if="topUser">Special price!</button>
<button v-else>Buy now!</button>
export default {
name: "DisplayComponentParamsCombo",
props: {
topUser: {
type: Boolean,
required: true,
//  router.js
routes: [
... // some other routes you need
path: "/display-component-params-combo/:id",
name: "DisplayComponentParamsCombo",
component: DisplayComponentParamsCombo,
props(route) { // <-- props as a Function
const topUsers = ["322", "123", "624"];
return { topUser: topUsers.includes( };

You can manipulate props freely.

Here is my Codesandbox if you want to play more with it.


This article was not about putting more logic into the router.
I personally don’t think this is a good practice.
The article is just to show that it can be done ;-)

There are always scenerios that doing something has its justification.
If that is the case, then feel free to use this pattern.

