So what’s with Jet Jaguar in the Legendary Godzilla Series?

A study in how to make kitsch cool

ensotron (aka adam rehn)
4 min readApr 1, 2018

I have a little secret to share: I love Godzilla films.

And something that’s not too rare for a Godzilla fan: One of my favorite characters is easily Jet Jaguar. (You try to hate him after this wonderful YouTube mashup!)

A piece of Jet Jaguar fanart by Loneanimator, Jet Jaguar Strikes Back via Deviantart

Now this small shame is because Jet Jaguar came from a strange time in the Godzilla series and film in general: the early 70's. Where everything was bright and colorful, big and goofy and Jet Jaguar is no exception.

The 70's are a dark time for Godzilla fandom, not only because the series stagnated but because fans take things seriously and they want you to take them seriously too. A giant Power Ranger makes that hard.

In the new series of films by Legendary, the “MonsterVerse”, we have returned to the dark and serious tone of the original Godzilla film. Bleak and horrific …and that’s fine. (“It’s fine!” I keep mumbling to myself.) But shying away from Godzilla’s strange past will, at some point, offend longstanding Godzilla fans: a core part of the audience. The kitschy, more kid friendly Godzilla films exist for a reason — to expand the series audience, while introducing new licencing and toy options.

So I tasked myself with something “heavy”: Bringing Jet Jaguar to the modern day.

A treatment for a modern day Jet Jaguar

  1. The Tease
    A film or two beforehand tease at the possible existence of Jet Jaguar in the wider scope of things.
    If it were me, I’d have an employee (anywhere really, but presumably at Monarch) in a robotics/mechatronics division to play into the trope — or another division to contrast, have a personal assistant app (like Siri) on their phone/computer called Red Aaron.
    This is the some deep cut fan service and trivia as the original idea of Jet Jaguar was called Red Aaron.
  2. Setting the Scene
    Ask interesting questions as a way of introducing the character.
    In the film reintroduce the above employee now with a full AI based operating system. In a passing similarity to google’s OS naming there is alliteration, so this version is Jet Jaguar.
    Hint that there’s something more to this — something “else” — with some mystery. For example, have a scene where a bipedal robot is discovered secretly playing Dance Dance Revolution with no explanation.
    Have characters question: How we know the AI doesn’t reproduce or proliferate? How can we trust something that “lives” in a way so different to us? What do morals even mean to something that could possibly be immortal? How do we know it can’t acquire more knowledge and information — and maybe even a conscience? Ask interesting questions to set the scene and tone.
  3. The Reveal
    In some ways, the least challenging part.
    Reveal “Jet Jaguar” be a “standard” (think Pacific Rim) mech that the Jet Jaguar AI steals to save the day. The mech could be some old mothballed tech, a museum piece or a new machine lacking a human pilot due to normal action film drama (ie. a broken arm, kaiju attack, the pilot is unconscious so Jet steps in to help, etc). This resolves the above tension by having Jet Jaguar quickly revealed to be a “goodie” while still leaving some mystery to keep long-term interest. (See point 7)
Pacific Rim Jet Jaguar By Diovega retrived from here
  1. (Optional) Call Back
    Connect the new Jet Jaguar with the original.
    The original Jet Jaguar was mute and only communicated by a strange version of the robot dance. *cringe* Simply ask a question about who is piloting the mech while there is a problem with other types of communication so a “modified form of semaphore” is used. This helps long term fans get comfortable with a new reinterpretation of an old character without scaring away a new audience with a backstory they missed.
  2. The End … ?
    End things entirely with Jet’s demise or leave the door open to more. I would imagine to leave the door open you could have the AI “borrow” a 3d printer to build itself another body, most likely human sized, perhaps even during the mech’s final battle.
  3. (Optional) Further Nod to Longtime Fans
    Acknowledging the past while looking to the future.
    Have the Jet Jaguar AI “borrow” the 3d printer of a person who cosplays as someone like Ultraman or the Power Rangers. So Jet Jaguar can “accidentally” have a body very similar to the original 70's version. Have Jet then steal a long coat and hat to walk among us, exploring it’s new form while possibly leaving open the option for Jet Jaguar defending the Earth another day.
  4. Room for Growth
    Where to from here? With the right questions asked the possibilities are endless. How does this technology effect the MonsterVerse? Does it come from or result in Mechagodzilla? Does Jet Jaguar explicitly return or is it left fairly open ended? Leaving the film series stronger and wider than when we found it.

Thanks for reading — this is part of a series that I’m writing around some more serious stuff so I am constantly testing my skills while being able to share fun ideas. Hope you enjoy.

Next up: something Something Some-thing! Justice League!!



ensotron (aka adam rehn)

// space-socialist / posadist / futurist / FALC // || semi-pro weirdo | a red-bearded barbarian, bad zen buddhist & worse vegetarian || 茶 | ♿