13 Things to Look for As You Choose the Ideal Daycare

Emily Adams
5 min readJul 12, 2023


As parents, we strive to provide the best possible care and education for our children. When it comes to their early education and development, choosing the ideal daycare is a crucial decision. But with numerous options available, how do you ensure you make the right choice? In this article, we will explore six key things to look for as you embark on your search for the perfect daycare. By considering these factors, you can rest assured that your child’s early years will be nurtured and supported in a safe and enriching environment.

1. Accreditation and Licensing

One of the first things to consider when choosing a daycare is its accreditation and licensing. Accreditation ensures that the daycare meets specific quality standards set by reputable organizations. Look for daycares accredited by recognized bodies such as the Canadian Child Care Federation (CCCF) or provincial licensing authorities. Licensing ensures compliance with local regulations and provides an extra layer of assurance.

2. Safety Measures

Safety should be a top priority in any daycare setting. When visiting potential daycares, pay attention to safety measures they have in place. Ensure the premises are secure and child-proofed. Inquire about their emergency protocols and staff training for handling various situations. A daycare that prioritizes safety will provide peace of mind for parents.

3. Staff Qualifications and Experience

Qualified and experienced staff play a vital role in a daycare’s ability to provide quality care and education. Inquire about the qualifications and certifications of the staff members. Look for daycare centers where the staff has relevant educational backgrounds, such as early childhood education or related fields. Experienced and passionate educators will create a nurturing environment for your child’s growth.

4. Curriculum and Educational Approach

A well-rounded curriculum and educational approach are essential in early education settings. Inquire about the daycare’s curriculum and how it aligns with your child’s developmental needs. Research different educational philosophies, such as Montessori or Reggio Emilia, to find an approach that resonates with your values. A daycare that focuses on holistic development will lay a strong foundation for your child’s future learning.

5. Class Size and Teacher-Child Ratio

The size of a class and the teacher-child ratio significantly impact a child’s learning and development. Smaller class sizes and lower ratios allow for more individualized attention and better interaction between teachers and children. Look for daycares that adhere to recommended ratios and have reasonable class sizes to ensure your child receives the attention they deserve.

6. Health and Nutrition Policies

A daycare’s health and nutrition policies are crucial for your child’s well-being. Inquire about the meals provided and whether they meet nutritional standards. Ask about how the daycare manages allergies and ensures a safe environment for all children. Hygiene practices should also be a priority. A daycare that promotes healthy habits will support your child’s physical growth and overall health.

7. Parent Involvement and Communication

Open communication and parent involvement are key elements of a successful daycare experience. Inquire about how the daycare involves parents in their child’s learning journey. Find out how they keep parents informed about their child’s progress and daily activities. A daycare that values parental input and maintains regular communication will foster a strong partnership between parents and educators.

8. Facilities and Play Areas

The facilities and play areas available at a daycare can greatly enhance your child’s learning experience. Look for daycares with well-equipped classrooms that offer age-appropriate toys and learning materials. Outdoor play spaces are equally important for physical activity and exploration. A daycare with stimulating environments will inspire your child’s curiosity and creativity.

9. Social and Emotional Development

Daycares play a crucial role in fostering social and emotional development. Inquire about the activities and practices they employ to promote these aspects. Look for daycares that encourage peer interaction, conflict resolution skills, and emotional expression. A daycare that supports your child’s social and emotional growth will help them develop strong interpersonal skills.

10. Flexibility and Additional Services

Consider your family’s specific needs when evaluating daycares. Flexibility in terms of hours, drop-off and pick-up arrangements, and vacation policies can be important factors. Some daycares may offer additional services like extracurricular activities or extended hours, which can be beneficial for busy families. Finding a daycare that aligns with your family’s schedule and offers added convenience can make a significant difference.

11. Location and Accessibility

The location and accessibility of a daycare can greatly impact your daily routine. Look for daycares that are conveniently located near your home or workplace. Consider transportation options and ensure they are feasible for your family’s needs. Choosing a daycare with a convenient location and easy accessibility will save you time and make drop-offs and pickups more manageable.

12. Reviews and Recommendations

Reading reviews and seeking recommendations from other parents can provide valuable insights into a daycare’s reputation and quality of care. Look for online resources and platforms where parents share their experiences. Reach out to friends, family, and colleagues who have children attending daycares. Their firsthand recommendations can help guide you in making an informed decision.

13. Visit and Ask Questions

Once you have narrowed down your choices, visit the potential daycares to get a firsthand look at their environment and interact with the staff. During your visit, ask relevant questions to gather additional information. Consider asking about the daily routines, learning activities, staff turnover rates, and any concerns you may have. Visiting and asking questions will help you gauge whether the daycare is the right fit for your child.


Choosing the ideal daycare for your child is a decision that requires careful consideration. By prioritizing factors such as accreditation, safety measures, staff qualifications, curriculum, and parental involvement, you can ensure your child receives quality care and education. Remember to visit potential daycares, ask questions, and trust your instincts. Investing time and effort in finding the right daycare will set a solid foundation for your child’s early education and development.


  1. Are all daycares in Canada accredited? No, not all daycares in Canada are accredited. However, choosing an accredited daycare provides assurance that it meets specific quality standards.
  2. How do I find information about a daycare’s licensing? You can inquire about a daycare’s licensing by contacting your provincial licensing authority or asking the daycare directly for their licensing information.
  3. What is the recommended teacher-child ratio for daycare centers? The recommended teacher-child ratio for daycare centers varies depending on the age group. Generally, a ratio of 1:4 for infants and 1:8 for toddlers is considered favorable.
  4. Can I request to see the qualifications and certifications of daycare staff? Yes, as a parent, you have the right to request and review the qualifications and certifications of daycare staff. Reputable daycares will be transparent and open about their staff’s qualifications.
  5. What should I look for in outdoor play areas at a daycare? In outdoor play areas, look for age-appropriate equipment, well-maintained surroundings, and safety measures such as secure fencing and soft surfaces to prevent injuries.

Start your search for the ideal daycare today. Use the provided guidelines to narrow down your options and find the perfect environment for your child’s early education and development.



Emily Adams

I'm a passionate early years educator and blogger who specializes in providing tips and resources to parents, caregivers, and educators of young children