The Great Emu War: Australia’s Bizarre Battle Against Birds

Amy Adams
13 min readMay 15, 2024


The “Great Emu War” was a peculiar military conflict that unfolded in 1932 in the Campion district of Western Australia. When the local emu population grew to problematic levels, causing significant damage to farms and crops, the Australian government dispatched a group of World War I veterans, armed with Lewis machine guns, to cull the flightless birds. This unusual event pitted seasoned soldiers against the emus, highlighting the often-humorous nature of failed military campaigns throughout history.

The story of the Great Emu War provides a fascinating glimpse into the unexpected challenges that can arise when humans attempt to wage war against animals. As the Australian military soon discovered, the emus’ natural defenses, including their thick, oily feathers and their ability to run at breakneck speeds, made them formidable opponents, leading to a humiliating defeat for the armed forces.

The Great Emu War serves as a cautionary tale about the unpredictable nature of warfare and the limitations of relying on traditional military tactics and equipment. This bizarre conflict has become a source of national embarrassment for Australia, but it also serves as a reminder of the often-humorous nature of human-animal encounters throughout history.

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Key Takeaways

  • The “Great Emu War” was a bizarre military conflict that took place in Western Australia in 1932, where the Australian military tried and failed to curb the emu population.
  • World War I veterans, armed with Lewis machine guns, were tasked with culling the emus, but the birds’ natural defenses and agility proved too formidable for the soldiers.
  • The Great Emu War highlights the often-humorous nature of failed military campaigns and the unexpected challenges that can arise when humans attempt to wage war against animals.
  • This bizarre conflict has become a source of national embarrassment for Australia, but it also serves as a cautionary tale about the unpredictable nature of warfare.
  • The story of the Great Emu War provides a fascinating glimpse into the unexpected challenges that can arise when humans attempt to wage war against seemingly innocuous opponents.

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The Great Emu War: How Australia Lost a War Against Birds

In the early 1930s, the emu population in the Campion district of Western Australia had grown to problematic levels, causing significant damage to local farms and crops. The emus, native to the region, had become a nuisance, prompting the Australian government to take action.

Understanding the Emu Problem in Western Australia

The rapid increase in the emu population in the Campion district was a major concern for the local farmers and the Australian authorities. These flightless birds were destroying crops and causing substantial economic losses, leading the government to consider a solution to the “emu plague.”

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World War I Veterans Take on Emus

In a move that would later become the subject of much amusement, the Australian military, composed of World War I veterans, was dispatched to the Campion district to cull the emu population. These seasoned soldiers, armed with formidable Lewis machine guns, were tasked with reducing the number of birds and restoring order to the region.

The Battle Tactics and Weapons Used

The military’s pest control operation, dubbed the “Great Emu War,” quickly descended into a humiliating defeat for the Australian forces. Despite the use of advanced Lewis machine guns, the emus proved to be a formidable adversary, demonstrating their natural defenses and agility in evading the soldiers’ fire.

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The Emus’ Formidable Defenses

The emus, the protagonists in this bizarre animal encounter, proved to be a formidable opponent for the Australian military. Their natural defenses were a significant challenge that the soldiers struggled to overcome during the failed military campaign known as the Great Emu War.

The emus’ thick, oily feathers acted as natural armor, making it difficult for the Lewis machine gun bullets to penetrate their bodies. This unique feature of the emus was a testament to the adaptations these flightless birds had developed over time to survive in the harsh Australian outback.

Furthermore, the emus possessed an incredible ability to run at speeds of up to 35 mph, easily evading the soldiers’ fire. Their group mentality and tendency to scatter when attacked only compounded the Australian military’s struggles, as they found it increasingly challenging to target and cull the emu population effectively.

The emus’ formidable defenses, both physical and behavioral, ultimately proved to be the downfall of the Australian military’s efforts during this bizarre conflict. The resilience and adaptability of these animals served as a humbling reminder of the unpredictable nature of warfare and the limitations of traditional military tactics.

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The Humiliating Retreat of the Australian Military

After several days of relentless efforts to control the surging emu population in the Campion district of Western Australia, the Australian military was forced to admit defeat. The “Great Emu War,” as it came to be known, had become a source of national embarrassment, highlighting the limitations of traditional military tactics when confronted with the unexpected challenges posed by the flightless birds.

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The Failed Emu Pest Control Efforts

The Australian soldiers, armed with Lewis machine guns, struggled to curb the emu “plague” that was causing significant damage to local farms and crops. Despite their firepower, the emus’ thick, oily feathers acted as natural armor, deflecting the bullets. The birds’ remarkable speed and ability to scatter when attacked further complicated the military’s attempts to cull the population.

As the days wore on, the frustrated soldiers were unable to make a significant dent in the emu numbers, leading to a growing sense of frustration and humiliation. The military’s inability to effectively engage the emus became a subject of ridicule and mockery, both within Australia and on the international stage.

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The Aftermath and Legacy of the Emu War

The Australian military’s ignominious retreat from the “Great Emu War” left a lasting impact on the nation’s psyche. The failed campaign became a cautionary tale about the challenges of waging war against seemingly innocuous opponents and a reminder that even the most well-equipped armed forces can be thwarted by the unpredictable nature of warfare.

The “Great Emu War” has since become a source of fascination and amusement, serving as a humorous example of the often-unexpected consequences that can arise when humans attempt to exert control over the natural world. The legacy of this bizarre conflict continues to be a subject of study and discussion, underscoring the importance of adaptability and the need to approach complex problems with a nuanced understanding of the challenges involved.

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Bizarre Conflicts: Animal Encounters Throughout History

The “Great Emu War” is not the only example of a bizarre conflict between humans and animals. Throughout history, there have been numerous instances of animal encounters that have escalated into unexpected military confrontations.

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The Great Monkey Massacre of Hartlepool

In the early 19th century, the residents of Hartlepool, England, found themselves embroiled in a strange conflict with a group of monkeys. After a shipwrecked vessel carrying a menagerie of exotic animals washed ashore, the locals mistook the monkeys for French spies and proceeded to brutally attack them, leading to the infamous “Great Monkey Massacre.” This bizarre encounter serves as a reminder that even the most innocent-seeming creatures can become the focus of failed military campaigns.

The Pig War: A Territorial Dispute Over a Swine

In the mid-19th century, a territorial dispute between the United States and the United Kingdom over the San Juan Islands in the Pacific Northwest escalated into a standoff known as the “Pig War.” The conflict was sparked by the shooting of a pig belonging to a British settler, leading to a tense military confrontation that ultimately resulted in no casualties, save for the unfortunate swine. This bizarre conflict demonstrates the unpredictable nature of animal encounters and their potential to escalate into unexpected military campaigns.

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Failed Military Campaigns: Lessons from the Past

The “Great Emu War” is not the only example of a failed military campaign in history. Throughout the annals of warfare, there have been numerous instances where even the most well-equipped and trained armed forces have been unable to achieve their objectives. Two such examples that serve as cautionary tales are the disastrous Gallipoli campaign and the ill-fated Bay of Pigs invasion.

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The Disastrous Gallipoli Campaign

During World War I, the Gallipoli campaign was a failed attempt by the Allied forces to capture the Gallipoli peninsula in the Ottoman Empire. Despite meticulous planning and the deployment of seasoned troops, the Allies were unable to overcome the fierce resistance of the Ottoman forces. The campaign resulted in a devastating defeat, with heavy casualties on both sides, and ultimately led to the withdrawal of the Allied forces. The Gallipoli campaign serves as a stark reminder that even the most well-executed military plans can go awry in the face of determined adversaries and unforeseen challenges.

The Bay of Pigs Invasion: A Covert Failure

In 1961, the United States attempted to overthrow the communist regime of Fidel Castro in Cuba through a covert operation known as the Bay of Pigs invasion. The plan, which involved the training and deployment of Cuban exiles, was ultimately a disastrous failure. The invading forces were quickly overwhelmed by the Cuban military, and the operation resulted in a humiliating defeat for the United States. The Bay of Pigs invasion underscores the risks and complexities inherent in such bizarre conflicts and failed military campaigns, often marked by animal encounters and other unpredictable factors that can derail even the most meticulously planned operations.

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The Campion District of Western Australia: Battleground of the Emu War

The “Great Emu War” took place in the Campion district of Western Australia, a region known for its abundant emu population. This area had become a hub for the emus, as their numbers had grown significantly due to a lack of natural predators and the abundance of food resources. The Campion district, situated in the heart of Western Australia, provided the perfect setting for the bizarre military conflict between the Australian forces and the flightless birds.

The vast, open landscapes of the Campion district offered little cover for the soldiers, leaving them exposed to the emus’ swift movements and formidable defenses. The emus, with their thick, oily feathers and remarkable running speeds, were able to easily evade the machine gun fire of the World War I veterans dispatched to the region.

Despite the Australian military’s best efforts to control the emu “plague” in the Campion district, the birds proved to be a resilient and elusive enemy. The failed attempts to cull the emu population in this region would ultimately lead to the humiliating retreat of the Australian forces, cementing the “Great Emu War” as one of the most bizarre and memorable military conflicts in history.

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WWI Veterans: From Trenches to Emus

The Australian soldiers tasked with fighting the “Great Emu War” were World War I veterans who had previously experienced the horrors of trench warfare and the devastating impact of modern weaponry. These seasoned soldiers, armed with Lewis machine guns, were now faced with the unexpected challenge of confronting a flock of flightless birds in what would become one of the most bizarre military conflicts in history.

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The Psychological Impact of the Emu War

For World War I veterans, the “Great Emu War” must have been a jarring and humiliating experience. After witnessing the immense destruction and bloodshed of the trenches, they now found themselves in a situation where their advanced military training and firepower proved utterly ineffective against the resilient and elusive emus. This stark contrast between the brutality of the Great War and the absurdity of their current mission likely took a significant psychological toll on the soldiers, who were forced to confront the limitations of their skills and the unpredictable nature of warfare.

The transition from the horrors of the Western Front to the comedic failings of the “Emu War” must have been jarring for these World War I veterans, who had likely internalized the harsh realities of combat. The inability to control the emu population, despite their technological advantages, may have challenged their sense of military prowess and left them feeling disillusioned and ineffective. This experience serves as a poignant reminder that even the most battle-hardened soldiers can be confronted with unexpected and humbling challenges when the nature of the conflict shifts from human adversaries to the unpredictable elements of the natural world.

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Lewis Machine Guns: Weapons of Choice Against the Emus

The Australian military’s weapon of choice in the “Great Emu War” was the Lewis machine gun, a lightweight and portable automatic firearm that had been widely used during World War I. These lewis machine guns were selected for their ability to deliver a high volume of fire, which the Australian military believed would be effective in culling the emu population.

The lewis machine guns were considered a formidable weapon, capable of unleashing a torrent of bullets at the flightless birds. However, the emus’ thick, oily feathers and their ability to run at high speeds proved to be a significant challenge for the australian military, ultimately leading to the failed military campaigns against the emu “plague.”

Weapon Rate of Fire Penetration Capacity Mobility Lewis Machine Gun: 500–600 rounds per minute Capable of penetrating thick feathers Lightweight and portable Emu N/A Thick, oily feathers acted as natural armor Able to run at speeds up to 35 mph

Despite the firepower of the lewis machine guns, the australian military was ultimately unable to effectively engage and control the emu population, leading to the great emu war: how australia lost a war against birds and a humiliating retreat for the armed forces.

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The “Great Emu War” remains one of the most bizarre and humorous military conflicts in history, with the Australian armed forces ultimately being defeated by a herd of flightless birds. This unusual event serves as a cautionary tale about the unpredictable nature of warfare, highlighting the importance of adaptability and the limitations of relying on traditional military tactics and equipment.

The story of the emus, the Australian military, and their bizarre conflict showcases the often-humorous nature of failed military campaigns and animal encounters throughout history. It serves as a reminder that even the mightiest of forces can be brought down by the unexpected, underscoring the need for strategic flexibility and a willingness to adapt to changing circumstances.

As we reflect on the great EMU war and how Australia lost a war against birds, we are reminded that the pursuit of victory, no matter how certain it may seem, can sometimes lead to unanticipated and even comedic outcomes. This unique chapter in history stands as a testament to the unpredictability of warfare and the importance of approaching challenges with a keen eye for the unexpected.

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What was the Great Emu War?

The Great Emu War was a bizarre military conflict that took place in 1932 in Western Australia, where the Australian military, armed with Lewis machine guns, tried and failed to curb the Emu population.

Why did the Australian military engage in a war against Emus?

In the early 1930s, the emu population in the Campion district of Western Australia had grown to problematic levels, causing significant damage to local farms and crops. The Australian government dispatched a group of World War I veterans to cull the birds and control the “emu plague.”.

How did the Australian military fare in the Great Emu War?

The Australian military’s efforts to control the emu population quickly turned into a humiliating defeat. The emus’ thick, oily feathers and their ability to run at high speeds made them a formidable opponent against the soldiers’ machine gun fire. After several days of fruitless attempts, the Australian military was forced to retreat, having failed to achieve their objective.

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What were the key factors that contributed to the Australian military’s failure in the Great Emu War?

The emus’ natural defenses, including their thick, oily feathers and their high-speed running ability, made them a challenging opponent for the Australian soldiers. Additionally, the emus’ group mentality and tendency to scatter when attacked further complicated the military’s attempts to cull the population.

What was the legacy of the Great Emu War?

The Great Emu War became a source of national embarrassment for Australia and a cautionary tale about the challenges of waging war against seemingly innocuous opponents. It highlighted the unpredictable nature of warfare and the importance of adaptability in military operations.

Are there other examples of bizarre conflicts between humans and animals throughout history?

Yes, the Great Emu War is not the only example of a bizarre conflict between humans and animals. Throughout history, there have been numerous instances of animal encounters that have escalated into unexpected military confrontations, such as the Great Monkey Massacre of Hartlepool and the Pig War, a territorial dispute over a swine.

What other examples of failed military campaigns can be compared to the Great Emu War?

The Great Emu War is not the only example of a failed military campaign in history. Other notable examples include the disastrous Gallipoli Campaign and the Bay of Pigs Invasion, which also highlight the challenges and unexpected outcomes that can arise in warfare.

What was the psychological impact of the Great Emu War on the World War I veterans who participated?

The Australian soldiers tasked with fighting the Great Emu War were World War I veterans who had previously experienced the horrors of trench warfare and the devastating impact of modern weaponry. Confronting a flock of flightless birds with their Lewis machine guns must have been a jarring and humbling experience for these seasoned soldiers.

Why were the Lewis machine guns chosen as the weapon of choice against the emus?

The Australian military’s weapon of choice in the Great Emu War was the Lewis machine gun, a lightweight and portable automatic firearm that had been widely used during World War I. These guns were selected for their ability to deliver a high volume of fire, which the military believed would be effective in culling the EMU population.

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