How do I create my Reddit Wallet/Reddit Vault?

Adam Cochran
2 min readMay 13, 2020


To take part in Reddit’s new “Community Points” cryptocurrencies, you’ll need to create a Reddit Wallet / Reddit Vault.

The easiest way to do this is in the Reddit app on iOS or Android.

On the Reddit app, click on the small Snoo alien in the top left corner, this will bring up your profile page.

From there you will see a section that says “Vault” on the English version of the Reddit app. (It’s unclear the exact wording on international versions at this time.)

When you click on vault for the first time you will be taken to a page to create your wallet:

Earlier versions of the app allowed you to use an existing Ethereum wallet such as those created using MetaMask — but it looks like this feature may not be turned on right now, or may only be available to certain users.

Next you’ll see a page offering a manual backup recovery phrase.

Since this “Vault” is on the blockchain, if you need to reinstall the Reddit app, or lose access to your wallet, the only way to recover the vault is using the recovery phrase.

Without the recovery phrase, not even Reddit staff will be able to help you access the vault.

You need to write down these 12 words, or store them in a password manager.

Do not store them as a screenshot or file on your phone as those could easily be accessed by hackers.

After your vault is created, the app will now show you if you have any existing token balances that you can “claim”

From there you’ll be able to see and use your balances from the subreddits you are a part of.

You can use these tokens to purchase special memberships in each subreddit!



Adam Cochran

Partner@Cinneamhain Ventures, Privacy Advocate, Adjunct Professor, and Growth&CorpDev Strategy at