Why I Recommend Claire Kowalchik’s “Running for Women”

I’m a man and I hated running, this book showed me how to enjoy it more

Walter Adamson
Body Age Buster
4 min readJan 10, 2020


Image credit: Thriftbooks.com

I only started running at Xmas time 2017, so that’s about 24 months ago.

At the gym, I hated running, especially when we had to line up after a circuit training class and run the time out. But over Xmas, the gym shuts down most classes, and I wanted to try something different.

So, after 20 years of exercising, and disliking running, I decided to run.

I’m probably not what runners call a runner. I run 5km twice a week to supplement my gym exercise program.

At the moment I am also running 3km every day — over summer while the sun is up early. I’m doing this just to see how it feels.

And although I’ve perused many articles online, I’ve never read a running book.

So what possessed me to buy Running for Women?

I’m a curious person. Running For Women popped up as a suggestion in my Thriftbooks app (because of the many other exercise and fitness books I’ve bought).

I thought to myself, why not learn more about running, and also from a woman’s perspective to see what differences are important to know (and might give me extra knowledge to help others).

I’m glad that I did

It’s a very practical book. I notice on Goodreads it only has 4-stars, but I gave it 5-stars.

Here’s a summary of things I think it covered really well.

  • It is very practical — realistic solid advice;
  • Mindset is addressed first — that’s an important way to introduce a new practice, such as running;
  • It lays the foundation of motivation and keeping at it;
  • Very practical advice about food and nutrition — and a good discussion of why to focus on body composition;
  • The “Healthy Way To Lose Weight” was very clear and straightforward advice;
  • Helpful and motivational advice about body image;
  • The special concerns of women are carefully and thoroughly addressed e.g. amenorrhea, running while pregnant, and osteoporosis;
  • Clear explanation of the importance of running shoes and foot motion;
  • The “Running Enhancement” and particularly the Strength Training is really on the ball as far as I am concerned, and something most women that I observe as runners don’t give enough attention in their program;
  • How to begin racing, the 5-K and the 10-K, made total sense to me — especially since I pay particular attention to routines to build stamina in my own running;
  • Understanding and dealing with injuries was useful and educational; and,
  • Training for older runners all made great sense to me, concurring with my own general training experience.

Absolutely nothing to lose

In other words, this book offers absolutely nothing to lose if you are interested in running — even if you are just a casual runner like me.

Although I knew about such things as the Female Athlete Triad from my education in sports and exercise nutrition, I had no idea about how to breathe effectively when running.

Rhythmic breathing … involves coordinating your breathing with your stride cadence such that you inhale and exhale over an odd number of foot strikes. During a relaxed run, you want to inhale for three steps and exhale for two steps (a 3:2 ratio).

I have now put the breathing technique into practice and found it very helpful. More than helpful, it makes a big difference.

The whole book is very helpful.

If you are keen to buy, I recommend Thriftbooks were I buy most of my books second-hand. Running for Women cost me $7.99 — a fraction of its new cost.

Let me know what you liked about the book, leave me a comment.

I’m Walter Adamson. I write about life, health, exercise, life and cognitive fitness to help men and women over 50 live longer better.

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Originally published at https://www.walteradamson.com.



Walter Adamson
Body Age Buster

Optimistically curious, 70+ trail runner; 2X cancer; diabetic; Click “FOLLOW” for living longer better tips | My Newsletter 👉 newsletter.walteradamson.com