Current End Times Events Report

Part II: The Quickening

Adam T Cummings
8 min readJan 11, 2024

There have been many prophecies from countless cultures projecting “end time” cataclysmic events. For those with eyes to see and ears to hear know deep down that something big is comithin this article, lies a look ahead at events to come, and what to expect when they arrive.


The quickening is the period of time when events leading to the “End Times” begins unfolding at an expedited pace. Since 2016, we have seen the slow dismantling of our civilization — brick by brick. In 2020, this dismantling became overt while picking up pace. Now, at the end of 2023 — it’s hard to ignore the writing on the wall that our civilization is in turmoil. This “quickening” phase that we’ve now moved into will increase this dismantling process to a break neck speed. Many who have been awake for some time, still feel like “nothing is happening,” due to the battle fatigue induced fog of war moving the wool back over their eyes once more. However, if a step is taken back and a higher lens is gained of the situation unfolding before us, it’s hard to deny the staunch reality staring us all in the face.


The aware and unaware alike can both agree that something big is on the horizon — yet nobody can quite put their finger on what it truly is. Something huge is on the horizon?No, something huge is already here. That’s why it’s called “The Quickening” because the storm that has been raging covertly for years has now gone kinetic and it’s picking up speed. We are moving away from the false peace and calm within the eye of this thing, towards the more intense and chaotic tail end, where everything will be flipped right back up again.

This storm is being fueled by the ever-expanding human consciousness as each individual mind gains more awareness to the false-reality crumbling around them. This is the energy fueling the quickening. Each human mind that accepts and allows this expansion of consciousness within themselves, makes it more easily accepted by those around them, in a sort of exponential awakening affect. The kinetic momentum created through the interconnected consciousness that humanity shares is pure energy. Where energy goes momentum flows.

With the quickening, big events will continue to dominate our purview while old sagas will conclude and fall away. Everyday narratives that have followed us our entire lives will churn and change into unrecognizable nightmares. Truth today will be fallacy tomorrow. The un-learning and re-education process of humanity will also increase in pace and intensity. Truth will become the main attraction on this carnival ride as humanity learns who they are, what they are, and why they are here as individuals and collectively as a whole.

As Source continues love bombing us through the central suns, all the systems in the Universe are being asked to upgrade their circuitry in order to increase the energetic load they can withstand. The entire Universe is in an energetic transition. Source is preparing all of creation for expansion. All that which is not “ready” for the increased energetic load will be recycled at this time. It’s up to each individual system to choose to prepare for this expansion or accept the their fate is sealed as the end draws near.

Close your eyes and visualize bamboo shoots growing out of the ground around you as you sit cross-legged on the earth. On each of the growing bamboo shoots is a spinning plate. Now, you can panic and attempt to grab at the individual plates spinning in a desperate attempt at control. Or, you can sit still in meditation and allow the plates to spin, on their own, trusting that they’ll continue on without your influence.

In other words, what’s happening is happening, there is nothing we can do to change our collective destiny. We can either accept our fate and prepare ourselves for the changes quickly coming. Or, we can hang onto old methods of being which have kept us in chaos for longer than we can remember. The choice is completely up to each of us and it must be made NOW.


There is nothing left to hold onto without causing major disruptions to your flow. Imagine yourself being taken down a rushing river, although it’s chaotic and scary, you’re going with the flow of the current leaving little more than minor cuts and scrapes along the way. Now, you see a boulder coming up in the middle of the river. You reach for it, catch yourself, and cling on for dear life. The river pounds you with water and debris. Those minor cuts and scrapes begin compounding into even more egregious injuries.

If you let go of the rock and let the river take you where it’s gonna go, you’ll have no control but your experience will be less painful. If you continue to hold onto the rock — you’re in control, going nowhere fast, while being pounded to death by the river’s current. The choice is yours; what will you do? Faith takes you down the river relatively harm free. Fear keeps you glued to the rock slowly dying. This is the crossroads humanity has come to and the choice is each ours to make.

Although the quickening has begun, this uncomfortable “holding pattern” we’ve all found ourselves in these past several years isn’t over. There was a point for this “great pause” and it was so humanity had time to prepare themselves for these soon-to-come future NOW events that will completely shift and shape our reality forever.

Yet, forward movement is on the horizon now as well. It’s the light at the end of this specific tunnel. Humanity must prepare itself for the shift by healing past hurts and facing our karma which leads us to our dharma (destiny) or “the way.” We’ve all been placed here for a specific purpose at this time. Getting out of your head and into your heart will help reveal this purpose to you.

However, our heart’s are closed due to unresolved hurts which are preventing the faith and trust necessary to leap into such an unknown. It’s not our fault for what has happened in our past, yet it is now our responsibility to address it and let it go. Fear is a beacon for this transmutation process, showing us what’s left unaddressed inside of us. Anger is nothing more than fear turned to fuel. Acknowledge what scares you, do what intimidates you, own what shames you, accept your guilt and let it all go. Now is “go time” for reframing the mental and emotional constructs that have kept us imprisoned in lower-dimensional consciousness for aeons.


You’re awake? Great, now the real “work” begins. Humanity must quickly unlearn the false programming keeping it spellbound and re-educate itself on the true workings of the Universe it resides in. What makes your heart sing? What is your soul’s calling? How can you live in harmony between human and spirit? These are now the quintessential questions that each human being will have to answer throughout their lives.

Each of us have things we’ve always wanted to experience yet couldn’t muster the strength or conviction to believe it was possible to achieve. These things are what we must “chase” or “aspire” to “conquer” or “accomplish” now. Finding the focal point between human and spirit, striking a balance between the material and immeasurable, and seeing the value of both intrinsic and extrinsic properties is how we create flow which is where the energy inevitably goes.

By going after the things that excite, inspire, and fill us with passion allows for these changing times to simply be what they are, changing times. Humanity doesn’t have to sit reactive in fear, clinging to their black mirrors, as they watch the world burn down around them. Humanity can instead use this time period to eviscerate fears, overcome their boogeymen, and vanquish the “monsters under their beds.” By addressing the skeletons still hanging in our closets, we can end all the illusions being used to control and keep us down because the beginning of the end is marked by the commencement of the Quickening.


We have now entered the final phase of this epic Earth saga. It will be how and what it needs to be — for all of humanity’s benefit at this time. Humans have been unconsciously behind the wheel of their own destiny for far too long. The sleep must be shaken from the eyes of all — not just a percentage of the population; humanity cannot ascend alone. It requires every individual aspect of the collective consciousness to become aware of what is happening around them which occurs through a unified collective field of consciousness. Each human must “wake up” or jump ship because fence-sitting will no longer be an option — all must make a choice.

Most will not be able to mentally comprehend what is happening. That’s why staying “heart-centered” is such a powerfully common adage these days. When we spend time in the mind, we are tapping into the collective field, which is in disarray and chaos. When we stay tuned into our heart space, we find our Truth, which is the only guidance necessary at this time. Move through this phase in your head and chaos will ensue. Move through this phase in your heart and solace will be found.

Chasing negative thought forms will create more negative thought forms which will then manifest into your personal reality even more quickly now. We are being asked to shore up our thoughts, words, and actions as to not manifest such undesirable outcomes for ourselves any longer. We are learning how to co-create our realities by staying heart-centered, having faith, and holding onto personal belief. This will allow for our truest desires to come to fruition regularly.

We may have been created in GOD’s image but WE create our reality in OUR image. Our self-worth determines the image we have for our self and life; how can you improve upon your self-worth during these times? Again, all of humanity has to make a choice now but nobody is going anywhere without everybody. Some will suffer until the end and other’s will float on cloud nine. Either way, ALL of humanity is going this ONE way whether they want to or not.

We’ve had four years to practice for this Universe-city “final” and here is the exam; choose yourself, follow your TRUE North, listen to your heart, and heed your soul’s calling by doing what scare’s you the most. Everything outside of this is smoke, mirrors, noise, and illusions. Reality as we’ve known it is crumbling away and revealing the truth of what our experience has always been. Although this part is ugly and will become hideous, on the other side of this unveiling is a brilliant expansionary growth for all those who choose to wade through the muck of our Current End Times Events. Only the toughest souls are here at this time — it just takes ALL of humanity truly believing to flip.

With Gratitude,

Adam T. Cummings



