Reading People Based on Clothing Style — A Character Entry Point Analysis

Adam Troy, Ph.D.
5 min readOct 2, 2023


Photo by Christian Bolt on Unsplash

In Part 1 of this series, we introduced the concept of Character Entry Points (CEPs)— little snippets of behavior that provide gateways into someone’s personality. Clothing choices are behaviors that could serve as CEPs and may provide an easy read when it comes to revealing an individual’s personality.

It’s a fashion show out there, and everyone is on display. While designers may cringe at the outfits they see, behavioral scientists revel in how clothing provides a source of data to begin piecing together the characteristics of an individual. Even those who think they are not making a statement when they dress cannot help but express a piece of themselves in everything they wear.

A few rules before you start judging people by appearances:

  • Rule number 1: If an individual had no control over their choice of clothing, a proper analysis based on clothing alone is likely impossible.
  • Rule number 2: Clothing style should be evaluated within the context, cultural and situational, in which they are being evaluated. Formal dress in one situation may be quite casual in another.
  • Rule number 3: It is essential that the individual being evaluated knows they are dressing differently from the norm. The active choice to dress differently is what is essential to the interpretation.

CEP 1: Formal Dress

People tend to differ along a dimension of casual to formal dress. While different situations call for different degrees of formality, some individuals will present themselves in a manner that is outside the norm, just too formal or too casual. Rating one’s style of dress on a scale of how it adheres to norms for that situation can provide a wealth of personality type clues.

Formal Dressers — Goal-oriented, overachievers, decisive, persistent, respect for rules, less playful, money and status-oriented, eschew change and adventure, conformists, dependable.

For those that tend to dress toward the formal side, there is a higher likelihood that they are goal-directed and seek to exceed expectations and be recognized for doing so. Similarly, they expect the same effort from others.

Formal individuals also tend to be more decisive than their casual counterparts, and can persist in the face of challenges. Another key characteristic is their respect for rules and regulations, and keeping their obligations toward others. Unfortunately, this allegiance to rules may be at the expense of fun and playfulness, and they may be more likely to place a higher importance on money and status. They may tend to avoid change, new experiences, and adventure, preferring to stick with what they know, preferring to conform to habits and customary practices. Conversely, individuals who tend to be more casual may be more likely to waver in their long-term goals, and are more open to new experiences and breaks in routine.

CEP 2: Provocative Attire

Let me start by saying that wearing seductive or provocative attire does not indicate sexual desire. This type of clothing is not a sign that he or she wants any intimate attention from you. Do not invade the space of someone because you think they’re giving you the go ahead.

Understanding that, there may be some reliable information you can obtain from those who dress or act in a provocative manner. People who like to express this vibe may generally be more comfortable with and may seek out environmental stimulation, activity and adventure to keep entertained and alert. Without an adequate source of stimulation, they are quick to experience boredom.

They may be thrill-seekers, willing to take risks and are up to trying daring activities. These individuals are also more likely to be characterized as charismatic, and view themselves as attractive and clever. They can be assertive in expressing their views, but may be less honest and forthcoming.

Provocative Dressers — Require stimulation, adventure seekers, like to be entertained, easily bored, risk-takers, charismatic, high opinion of themselves, opinionated, game-players, opportunistic, manipulative, liberal, open-minded.

Take care when interacting with someone that is highly flirtatious or even charming. They are more willing to present themselves to others inaccurately and perform or play “games” if it suits their needs. As a result, these individuals may act in opportunistic ways and seek to control or influence others in a way that involves lying, excessive compliments, or other forms of manipulation.

Individuals in this profile often do not feel much guilt over this behavior, as they view it as simply a part of an emotionally intelligent skill. They are more open-minded when it comes to absolutes of correct behavior and treatment of others, and are more apt to help than punish offenders. These individuals are less likely to have strict, dogmatic religious or political beliefs, preferring to support cultural and community events. They are less likely to have a strict moral code, and are more likely to rebel form the norm or depart from their internal code. They are more accepting of others values and behaviors, often shirking traditions to update their values and beliefs as they change over time.

CEP 3: Original Style

You know it when you see it. Whether you like it or hate it, when someone you know or see wears something original and unique it makes an impression on you. If this decision to wear something original is more than a one-time event, there may be more characteristics you can ascertain.

Unique Dressers — Creative, enjoy aesthetic arts, philosophical, liberal, playful, diverse interests, open-minded, innovative.

Originality in dress is a special indicator of someone high in creativity. They may be interested in the arts more generally and find beauty in the environment around them. They may gravitate toward arts, music, nature, poetry, dance or other visual or sensory forms of art, and can be moved emotionally by creativity in the world around them. In addition, intellectual debates of a philosophical nature may interest them as well. These individuals are less likely to describe themselves as conservative, and are more likely to enjoy playful humor and role playing. They tend to have a wider range of interests and are less conservative in their beliefs, making them more open to the ideas and thoughts of others. They may also have a great imagination, and a better ability to innovate and express originality.

Clothing is a great starting point for reading people because humans literally wear their personality on their sleeves. Remember to conduct additional observation as necessary to confirm your hypotheses.

Interested in learning more? Stay tuned for Part 3 of our series and learn what additional behaviors can get you a deeper read on anyone.



Adam Troy, Ph.D.

Relationship scientist, behavioral statistician, Chief Research Psychologist at BRG.