The Day My Kids Stayed Home — Explaining COVID-19 and the Corona Virus to Kids

Adam wallace
4 min readApr 1, 2020

By Adam M Wallace

“The Day My Kids Stayed Home- Explaining COVID-19 and the Corona Virus to Kids” is an educational children’s book about COVID-19 and the novel corona virus designed to help adults teach kids about what is happening in our world. The book follow’s two dogs, Luna and Maui, who live a great puppy life! They walk their human children to school each day but then one morning their kids are sitting on the couch in their PJ’s!! The concerned puppy runs to its Dad who then explains to the characters and the readers why everyone is staying inside and what they can do to stay healthy and slow the spread of the novel corona virus.

The book has two sections: the first, is the illustrated kid’s section; the second section, is for adult’s and big kids and is a simple scientific explanation of the virus that prepares the reader to lead a discussion with children and answer questions that may come up. Between pictures and text…

