“The Doctor” — MRS Sci-Fi Series, Chapter 1.

Adan Carter Aspland
2 min readJan 10, 2018


MRS — Sci-Fi Series, Chapter 1: The Doctor

MRS Sci-Fi Series — Chapter 1: The Doctor

MRS is a sci-fi web series by Adan Carter Aspland.

The Doctor reached into his jacket pocket, pulled out a square black glass device smaller than most mobile phones and pressed one thumb against the centre of the surface. There was a faint click and a small computer chip slowly slid out the left side. The Doctor carefully removed the chip from the device, studied it for a moment, turning it in his fingers and placed it gently down on the desk.

He removed his glasses and placed them onto the desk. With two hands he reached around the back of his neck, pinched the skin and pulled up to reveal a pattern of dots. The Doctor picked up the computer chip and inserted it into the back of his neck. His body seized stiff, his eyes fluttered before rolling back into his head and closed shut. The Doctor lay motionless in the chair.

Read Next: Chapter 2: The Soldier

Click the Image for Chapter 2

