We’re Making it Official: We’re Capital One

Adaptive Path
2 min readMay 10, 2019

Adaptive Path has always been, well, adapting. As we have many times before, we’re doing it again. This time, we’re finally and officially integrating into Capital One.

From this point on, we are thrilled to call ourselves part of the design team. And it’s a great team!

Capital One acquired Adaptive Path in 2014. Since then, Capital One’s design team has grown to an impressive 450+ designers across the nation including authors, PhDs, inventors, and more. Together, we’ve made leaps for the design practice at the company — from training our non-design partners to be fluent in design thinking, to winning innovation awards.

We can’t wait to see what the full force of the expanded team comes up with next. Sure, it’s bittersweet to say goodbye to our beloved Adaptive Path brand, and to all our events like UX Week, LX: Leading Experience, The Service Experience Conference, and design intensives. It’s also very gratifying to have learned so much and shared so much with the global design community.

From us, and from all our teammates at Capital One, THANK YOU. A million times. Whether you spoke at an event, hosted a workshop, volunteered, worked with us, or even just showed up…every interaction was part of the experience. You created this with us, and we can’t thank you enough.

May our paths cross again soon, and we look forward to sharing what’s next. ✌️

Join us on the adventure as we create what’s next with Capital One Design.

If you have any questions about Adaptive Path events and the transition to Capital One, please reach out to onedesignevents@capitalone.com



Adaptive Path

A team of designers focused on the capabilities of human-centered approaches to improve products, services, and systems.