Using Nanobots to create precision medicine for curing cancer

Adarsh Iyengar
12 min readNov 4, 2023


In life, not often is the solution to such a large problem so, small. In the case of cancer one of the most dangerous diseases in the world, surprisingly, it is. In fact, the answer is so small, that even our naked eyes can’t perceive it. Nanobots. Nanobots are a new concept based on our advances in Nanotechnology. For those who haven’t watched Antman before, Nanotechnology is a field of science and technology that focuses on the manipulation and control of matter at the nanoscale, which is the scale of individual atoms and molecules which typically ranges from 1 to 100 nanometers. At this scale, the properties of materials differ significantly from their life-sized counterparts due to quantum effects, increased surface area, and the dominance of surface interactions. One instance of a technology based on nanotechnology is nanobots. Nanobots are extremely versatile and have the ability to be applied in almost any situation. Yet, in my case, I plan to use nanobots for medicinal purposes, or in other words, curing cancer. Cancer is one of the most deadly diseases that many have heard about, but don’t know the cause.

These are the stages of cancer:

  1. A cell’s DNA is damaged. This can happen for a number of reasons, such as exposure to carcinogens (cancer-causing substances), inherited genetic mutations, or errors that occur during cell division.
  2. The damaged DNA can lead to changes in the cell’s behavior. For example, the cell may start to grow and divide uncontrollably, or it may not die when it should.
  3. These changes can cause the cell to become cancerous. Cancer cells can invade and destroy surrounding tissues, and they can also spread to other parts of the body through the blood or lymphatic system.
  4. If the cancer is not treated, it can grow and spread until it affects vital parts of the body

Ever since the first case of cancer, which historians believe to be around 1500 BC, cancer treatment has come a long way. One method in specific is Precision Treatment/Personalized Medicine.

Precision Medicine

Precision medicine is a new approach to cancer treatment that considers each patient’s individual characteristics. Precision medicine is especially effective for cancer treatment because it targets the specific genetic and molecular changes that are driving the growth and spread of cancer in each individual patient. This is in contrast to traditional cancer treatments, which are often more general and can have harmful side effects on healthy cells. However, precision medicine is still in its early stages, and there are some challenges, such as cost, accessibility, and effectiveness. Therefore, these factors are important to consider when considering a solution to cancer. With an effective solution as well as a well-built infrastructure, precision medicine has the potential to revolutionize cancer treatment.

Construction of Nanobots

In the construction of nanobots, there are two main fundamental principles of nanotechnology that are crucial to understand. These two approaches are known as Bottom-Up and Top-Down.

Bottom-Up Approach

In the bottom-up approach, Nanoscale structures and devices are built atom by atom or molecule by molecule. This is typically achieved through a variety of techniques:

  • Chemical Vapor Deposition: A way to grow a thin film of material on a surface by depositing molecules from a gas. The gas molecules are heated until they break down into individual atoms, which then react with each other and with the surface to form a solid film.
  • Self-Assembly: A way to create organized structures from individual components without any outside intervention. This is a common process in nature, such as in the formation of crystals or the folding of proteins.
  • Molecular Beam Epitaxy: a way to create organized structures from individual components without any outside intervention. This is a common process in nature, such as in the formation of crystals or the folding of proteins.

Now these terms are quite complicated to understand so here are some simpler analogies to help you understand.

Imagine you are trying to build a brick wall. One way to do this would be to place each brick individually by hand. This would be a time-consuming and error-prone process.

  • Chemical Vapor Deposition: Another way to build the wall would be to use a mortar mixer to mix up a batch of mortar and then pour it into a mold. The mortar would then harden and form the wall. This is similar to CVD. The gas molecules are like the mortar, and the surface is like the mold.
  • Self-Assembly: You could also stack the bricks on top of each other so that they naturally form a wall. This is similar to self-assembly. The individual components (bricks) spontaneously organize into a desired structure (a wall).
  • Molecular Beam Epitaxy: MBE is a different way that is like a combination of the two previous methods. You would place each brick individually, but you would use a mortar gun to apply a thin layer of mortar between each brick. This ensures that the bricks are evenly spaced and that the wall is strong.

These methods allow for precise control over the arrangement and properties of nanomaterials. Quantum dots, nanowires, and nanoparticles are examples of structures created using this approach, offering unique electronic, optical, and mechanical characteristics.

Top-Down Approach

The top-down approach involves scaling down macroscopic materials or structures to nanoscale dimensions. This is achieved through different techniques:

  • Lithography: Lithography is a process used to create patterns on a surface. It is similar to stenciling, but instead of using a stencil, lithography uses a mask. The mask is a thin layer of material that has been patterned with the desired pattern.
  • Etching: Etching is a process used to remove material from a surface. It is similar to sandblasting, but instead of using sand, etching uses chemicals.

Once again, here are some simpler analogies to help you properly understand the different techniques used in the Top-Down Approach

  • Lithography: Imagine you are trying to bake a cake. You have a cake pan and a cake batter. You also have a stencil with the shape of a heart cut out of it. To bake the cake, you would first place the stencil on the cake pan. Then, you would pour the cake batter into the pan. Next, you would remove the stencil. Finally, you would bake the cake. The stencil is like the mask in lithography. The cake batter is like the surface material. The baking process is like light exposure. And the finished cake is like the patterned surface.
  • Etching: Now, imagine you are trying to make a wooden sign. You have a piece of wood and a wood carving knife. To make the sign, you would first draw the desired pattern on the wood. Then, you would use the wood carving knife to carve away the wood around the pattern. Finally, you would sand the sign to smooth out the edges. The drawing is like the mask in lithography. The wood carving knife is like the etching solution. And the finished sign is like the etched surface.

In the top-down approach, the challenge lies in preserving the desired properties while reducing size. Integrated circuits in modern electronics exemplify this approach, as they consist of intricate patterns of nanoscale transistors and components.


To put it simply, the bottom-up approach focuses on building up from the very bottom. This means that the product is created one molecule at a time. By building nanoscale structures from the beginning, we are allowing for more precise control over their arrangement. On the other hand, the Top-Down approach, as the name implies, takes larger items and shrinks them down to the nanoscale. This allows us to create more nanoscale features as the larger structure is easier to manipulate than the individual atoms and molecules. Now, since these two approaches do vary substantially, it’s important to first weigh the two perspectives against each other:

Diagram comparing the two approaches

Before we go any further, we need to understand what approach we are going for. In the field of medicine, both Top-Down and Bottom-Up have aspects that make it crucial for targeting specific cells and ensuring that the structure has all the components to complete its purpose properly.

Therefore, rather than having to pick one, why can’t just use both?

The use of both top-down and bottom-up approaches in the development of nanobots is motivated by the unique strengths and complementary capabilities of each method. The top-down approach is well-suited for fabricating the core structure and overall design of the nanobots to cure cancer. It allows for precise control over the initial framework, ensuring that the nanobots meet certain size, shape, and mechanical requirements. This core structure serves as the foundation for the nanobots, providing stability and a platform for various functionalities. Conversely, the bottom-up approach plays a pivotal role in tailoring the nanobots for their specific tasks in the context of cancer treatment. This approach enables the attachment of functional elements, such as drug payloads, targeting molecules, and sensing components, at the nanoscale. By leveraging self-assembly and chemical synthesis techniques, it becomes possible to customize the nanobots with properties essential for tasks like targeted drug delivery to cancer cells, recognition of specific biomarkers, and interactions within the complex biological environment. The combination of top-down and bottom-up approaches ensures that the nanobots have the structural integrity and functionality required for effective cancer treatment. While the top-down approach establishes the nanobot’s core architecture, the bottom-up approach enhances their capabilities and enables them to navigate and interact within the intricate landscape of the human body, thereby increasing their potential as a powerful tool in the fight against cancer.

Why Nanobots?

Nanobots with precision medicine are the best way to cure cancer because they can deliver drugs directly to cancer cells without harming healthy cells. This is because nanobots can be programmed to recognize and target specific cancer cells. Once a nanobot has reached a cancer cell, it can release its drug payload, which can then kill the cancer cell. In addition, Nanobots are also very small, so they can penetrate deep into tumors and reach cancer cells that are difficult to reach with other treatments. This is crucial as personalized medication requires highly accurate and potent data to ensure the best results. After taking into account the genetic and molecular characteristics of each patient’s cancer. Patients can be treated with the most effective drugs for their specific cancer, which can reduce side effects and improve outcomes.

What is the process?

1) Research and Design

  • Top Down Design
  • Design the core structure of the nanobots using a top-down approach. This can involve defining their size, shape, and mechanical properties. Decide on the materials that will form the core structure.
  • Use microfabrication techniques, such as photolithography or electron beam lithography, to create the core structure at the nanoscale.
  • Bottom-Up Functionalization
  • Employ the bottom-up approach to functionalize the nanobots. This includes attaching molecules, nanoparticles, or other functional components to the nanobot’s surface.
  • Select the appropriate drug payloads, targeting ligands, or sensors based on the specific goals of your cancer treatment.

2) Material Selection

  • Carbon
  • Carbon nanotubes are extremely strong and durable materials that are also biocompatible. Therefore, they are able to withstand the harsh conditions inside of the body as well as not being harmful to your body

3) Fabrication

  • Top-Down Fabrification
  • Fabricate the core nanobot structure using the microfabrication techniques previously stated to ensure precision in size and shape.
  • Conduct quality control and testing to verify the integrity of the core structure.
  • Bottom-Up Functionalization
  • Implement chemical synthesis and self-assembly methods to attach functional components to the nanobot surface. Ensure precise control over the arrangement of molecules and nanoparticles.

4) Testing

  • Aspects to note
  • Evaluate their functionality and effectiveness in delivering drugs, targeting cancer cells, or sensing cancer-related biomarkers.
  • Monitor their safety, biodistribution, and therapeutic efficacy

5) Optimization

  • Refine the design and functionality of the nanobots based on the results of in vitro and in vivo testing. Make necessary adjustments to enhance their performance and safety.

6) Clinical Trials

  • Once the non-human trials have consistently proven successful and all the necessary optimizations are in place, beginning human trials would be the first step to ensure the


As stated earlier, both nanobots and precision medicine have numerous different issues that need to be addressed. Nanobots, while they have improved substantially over the years, are still in the theoretical phase. However, due to our current knowledge of nanobots and expectations, we can be certain that nanobots will perform according to our assumptions. However, Precision medicine, while it is a promising new approach to cancer treatment, it also has a number of issues that need to be addressed. Some of the key issues include:

  • Cost: Precision medicine tests and treatments can be very expensive. This is a barrier for many patients, especially those who do not have adequate insurance coverage.
  • Access: Precision medicine is not yet widely available. Not all hospitals and cancer centers have the necessary equipment and expertise to provide precision medicine care.

However, these issues are easily solved. On the topic of cost, new advancements have resulted in rechargeable nanobots. These nanobots would be able to be reused after being loaded with the correct information allowing us to decrease the cost substantially. Governments and private insurers can work together to make both nanobots and precision medicine more affordable for patients. This could involve providing subsidies for precision medicine tests and treatments or expanding insurance coverage to include more precision medicine services. In addition, Governments and healthcare providers can work to make precision medicine more widely available. This could involve investing in precision medicine research and development or training more healthcare professionals on how to provide precision medicine care.

Yet, an often overlooked aspect of precision medicine is the ethical concerns that come with it.

Precision medicine raises a number of ethical concerns, such as the privacy of patient data and the potential for discrimination.

However, a solution is not entirely out of reach, before we apply this technology to cure cancer, we should:

  • Develop strong privacy and security regulations: Governments and healthcare providers can develop strong privacy and security regulations to protect patient data. These regulations should specify how data can be collected, used, and stored. They should also require healthcare providers to take steps to protect data from unauthorized access and use.
  • Educate patients about their rights: Patients have the right to know how their data is being collected and used. They also have the right to opt out of precision medicine research or to withdraw their consent at any time. Healthcare providers should educate patients about their rights and give them the opportunity to make informed decisions about their care.
  • Develop anti-discrimination laws: Governments can develop anti-discrimination laws to prevent people from being discriminated against based on their genetic data. These laws should apply to all areas of life, including insurance, employment, and housing.
  • Raise awareness of the ethical concerns of precision medicine: The public should be aware of the ethical concerns associated with precision medicine. This will help to ensure that these concerns are addressed as precision medicine becomes more widely used.


Overall, Precision Medicine is an unused approach to cancer treatment due to its numerous complications. However, by using nanotechnology, we can create a cure. Nanobots are such small devices with such big capabilities. Through nanobots, we can increase effectiveness, reduce harmful treatment, and even get more accurate and earlier detection of cancer.

Potential number of people saved:

The impact of this solution is in the millions. The exact number of people saved by precision medicine with nanobots is difficult to estimate, but it is likely to be in the millions. In 2022 alone, there were an estimated 19.3 million new cases of cancer diagnosed worldwide. If precision medicine with nanobots can improve survival rates by even a few percent, it could soften the current death rate of cancer.

Companies working on precision medicine with nanobots:

A number of companies are working to develop precision medicine with nanobots. Some of the leading companies in this field include:

  • Nanomedic Technologies: Nanomedic Technologies is developing nanobots that can deliver drugs to cancer cells and monitor their response to treatment.
  • Senti Biosciences: Senti Biosciences is developing nanobots that can diagnose and treat cancer at the single-cell level.
  • Celularity: Celularity is developing nanobots that can deliver stem cells to tumors to promote healing and reduce side effects from cancer treatment.

Closing Statement

Precision medicine with nanobots has the potential to revolutionize cancer treatment. By delivering drugs directly to cancer cells with minimal damage to healthy tissue, nanobots can improve the effectiveness and reduce the toxicity of cancer treatment. Additionally, nanobots can be used to detect cancer early and to personalize treatment to each individual patient.

A number of companies are working to develop precision medicine with nanobots, and the technology is advancing rapidly. It is likely that we will see precision medicine with nanobots used in clinical trials within the next few years, and that it could become a standard of care for cancer treatment in the near future.

