Operators in Julia

Adarsh Ms
3 min readSep 4, 2020


Arithmetic, Bitwise, Logical, Assignment, Vectorized dot, Relational

This is part 6 of the Julia Tutorials (a series of tutorials on Julia). If you are not familiar with Julia Types, please go through part 4 and part 5 for better understanding.

If you are not familiar with Julia and want to get started with it, feel free to check out the complete series @ —

Note: Use Julia’s REPL to quickly follow along with the codes in this tutorial

Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic operators are used to perform arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, etc…

Operator                   Description                     Syntax  
---------- --------------------------------------------- ----------

+ Plus: Adds two operands x + y
– Minus: Subtracts two operands x - y
* Multiplication: Multiplies two operands x * y
/ Division: Divides the 1st operand by 2nd x / y
^ Power: Raises x to the yth power x ^ y
% Modulus: Returns the remainder of a division x % y

Bitwise Operators

Bitwise operators are for bit level programming in which individual bits of an integer expression is manipulated.

Operator           Description             Syntax  
---------- ----------------------------- -----------
~ Bitwise NOT ~x
& Bitwise AND x & y
| Bitwise OR x | y
⊻ Bitwise XOR x ⊻ y
>>> Logical right shift x >>> y
>> Bitwise right shift x >> y
<< Bitwise/Logical left shift x << y

Logical Operators

Logical operators are used to combine two or more conditions or to complement the evaluation of the original condition.

Operator                   Description                     Syntax  
--------- --------------------------------------------- ----------
&& Logical AND: true if both operands are true x && y
|| Logical OR: true if one of operands is true x || y
! Logical NOT: true if operand is false !x

Assignment Operators

Assignment operators are used to assign values from right side operands to left side operands.

 Operator                  Description                     Syntax    
---------- --------------------------------------------- ----------
= Assign value from r.h.s to l.h.s x = y + z
+= a = a + b a += b
-= a = a – b a -= b
*= a = a * b a *= b
/= a = a / b a /= b
\= a = a \ b a \= b
%= a = a % b a %= b
^= a = a ^ b a ^= b
&= a = a & b a &= b
|= a = a | b a |= b
>>>= a = a >>> b a >>>= b
>>= a = a >> b a >>= b
<<= a = a << b a <<= b

Vectorized dot(.) Operator

The “dot” operator is used to perform element wise binary operations on a given array.

Syntax: Prepend dot operator to the desired binary operation.

x = x .^ 2

As you can see from this example, doing A = A ^ 2 will result in an error since it is not possible to perform square of an array, on the other hand if the dot operator is used, the squaring will be done element wise.

Relational Operators

Relational operators are used to check the relation between 2 operands.

Operator          Description              Syntax       
---------- --------------------------- -----------------
> Greater than x > y
< Less than x < y
== Equal to x == y
!=, ≠ Not equal to x != y or x ≠ y
>=, ≥ Greater than or equal to x >= y or x ≥ y
<=, ≤ Less than or equal to x <= y or x ≤ y



Adarsh Ms

A passionate engineer who thrives on using programming languages to converse with machines.