Adarsh Prashanth
3 min readFeb 10, 2021

What does it feel like to experience the quantum realm?

Many people are wondering how it feels like experiencing quantum realm after watching the movie “Antman and the wasp”. It is shown in the movie that we have to shrink to subatomic level to experience it . It is also shown that time and space are irrelevant . It’s true though. But shrinking isn’t necessary to experience it .

Many scientists have decoded the secrets of the universe which were kept hidden from us that holds the key to every single aspect of life . It mainly includes experiencing the quantum realm where there are endless possibilities that holds a solution to every single problem we face in life .

One of the ways in which it can be experienced is through meditation . Yes! You might’ve heard of yogis, mystics, shamans etc. who use transcendental meditation to heal themselves and even others. The knowledge is passed to them from the previous generations .The Trance that they experience is in the quantum realm where nothing and everything exists. Very weird way to describe it but you’ll get to know once you experience it .

To experience quantum realm:

Step1: Sit in the posture as the above picture . think that you are noone with nowhere to go and nothing to do in blank space where nothing exists . While thinking about it breathe in and out deeply rhythmically .

Step 2: When you start to feel completely blank ,some random thoughts will appear . Don’t give attention to it ,just let it flow . Focus on the blankness .

Step 3:If you are experiencing a deep trance state in which your body might start moving involuntarily .

Congratulations! You are in the quantum realm. There’s a chance that you might observe strange patterns and dreams which holds some important messages which as a beginner is hard to take in these things .

I know a lot of questions are unanswered . What are the endless possibilities ? How is it able to bridge science to spirituality? How is it possible to experience it through meditation? How is any of this possible by normal humans?

Well I suggest you read the books of these authors Dr. Joe Dispenza, Gregg Braden , Bruce Lipton , Rhonda byrne , Samael aun weor to name a few because it has a lot of information which involves ancient spiritual knowledge and scientific observation made by them which can’t be explained in this article.

Thank you! I hope i was able to convey the information in a right way . Nothing is impossible . Stay blessed.