13 Wild Tips Every Developer Should Try (No, Seriously!)

Adarsh Rai
6 min readAug 30, 2024


In the ever-evolving field of software development, a gazillion tips and tricks claim to enhance your coding experience. But once in a while, you find bits of advice which seem utterly nuts; but once you scratch beyond the surface, you find pure genius there. Today, let me take you through 13 such pieces of advice that will probably seem a little crazy in the beginning, but trust me, they are game-changers for any and every developer out there.

1. Delete Your Code (Often)

“Don’t be afraid to delete code that doesn’t add value — your future self will thank you.”

Wait, what? Yes, you heard that right. Don’t be afraid to delete your code. Sometimes, the best way to improve your program is by removing unnecessary parts. If a function, method, or even a whole class doesn’t serve a clear, significant purpose, get rid of it. Less code often means fewer bugs and less maintenance. Plus, it forces you to think more critically about what your code really needs to do.

2. Embrace Boredom in Your Workflow

“Creativity often comes from moments of stillness. Give your mind room to wander.”

Believe it or not, boredom can be a developer’s best friend. When you’re bored, your mind starts to wander, and that’s when creativity strikes. It’s during these moments of boredom that you might come up with innovative solutions to complex problems. Allow yourself some downtime to let your mind wander and come back with fresh ideas.

3. Write Code Like You’re Explaining to a Five-Year-Old

“If your code isn’t simple enough for a new team member to understand, it’s too complicated.”

Your code should be so simple that even a five-year-old could understand it. If your code is overly complex, it’s a sign you might not fully understand the problem you’re solving. Aim for clarity and simplicity; the simpler your code, the easier it is for others to read and maintain.

4. Stop Reading Documentation (All the Time)

“Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good — dive into the code, and learn by doing.”

This might sound counterintuitive, but don’t become a documentation junkie. Yes, documentation is important, but spending too much time reading it can stall your productivity. Instead, try exploring the codebase and understanding how things work by getting your hands dirty. Experiment first, read later.

5. Spend More Time Debugging Than Coding

“Debugging is the ultimate test of your understanding. If you can debug well, you understand the code well.”

Debugging is often seen as the ugly step-sibling of coding, but it’s actually where you learn the most. By spending more time debugging, you get a better understanding of how your code works (or doesn’t work), and you become more adept at spotting errors. Embrace debugging as a critical part of the development process.

6. Use a Text Editor from the ’90s for a Week

“Strip away the conveniences, and you’ll find out just how much you truly know.”

Ditch your fancy IDE for a week and go old-school with a basic text editor. This forces you to write better, more organized code because you won’t have the luxury of auto-complete, linting, or other modern-day conveniences. It’s a great way to sharpen your skills and understand what’s happening under the hood.

7. Learn a Language You’ll Never Use

“Expanding your toolbox helps you find new, innovative solutions to old problems.”

Why learn a language you’ll never use in your daily job? Because it forces you to think differently. Each programming language has its own paradigms and best practices, and learning a new one can expand your thinking and improve your coding style in languages you already know.

8. Go on a Framework Detox

“Understanding the basics helps you appreciate and use frameworks more effectively.”

Every now and then, try building something without using any frameworks or libraries. Yes, it will be hard. Yes, it will take longer. But it will give you a much deeper understanding of what frameworks do behind the scenes and how you can better utilize them when you go back to using them.

9. Don’t Comment Your Code (Too Much)

“Write code that explains itself — comments should only clarify your intent, not your actions.”

Good code is self-explanatory. If you find yourself needing to add a comment to explain what a particular block of code does, ask yourself: Could this be rewritten to be clearer? Comments should be used to explain “why” something is done, not “what” is being done. Over-commenting can clutter your code and make it harder to maintain.

10. Talk to Non-Developers About Your Code

“If you can explain it simply to someone outside your field, you truly understand it.”

Explaining your code to someone who has no idea about programming can be surprisingly insightful. If you can break down a complex problem and explain it in simple terms, it means you have a solid understanding of it. Plus, they might just ask that one question that sparks a new idea.

11. Build Something Completely Useless

“Not every project needs a purpose — sometimes, fun is a purpose in itself.”

Not every project has to be groundbreaking or solve a real-world problem. Build something completely useless or fun — like a random cat fact generator or a pixelated doodle game. These side projects can boost creativity, teach you new skills, and most importantly, keep you passionate about coding.

12. Master the Art of Saying ‘No’

“Saying ‘no’ is about preserving your focus and energy for what truly matters.”

As a developer, you’ll often be asked to add just one more feature or make a “quick” change. Learn to say ‘no’ when these requests threaten to derail your project or add unnecessary complexity. It’s important to prioritize and maintain focus on the task at hand.

13. Code as if the Person Who Maintains Your Code Is a Psychopath Who Knows Where You Live

“Treat every line of code as if it will be inherited by someone else tomorrow.”

This may sound extreme, but it drives home an important point: write clean, understandable, and maintainable code. Imagine that the person who will maintain your code is someone who knows where you live and is not afraid to use that information if your code is messy or poorly documented. It’s a fun, yet effective way to ensure quality and responsibility in your coding habits.

Sometimes, the best counsel is that which defies convention and makes you think very differently. The following insane advice may sound crazy, but these 13 pieces are well worth trying if you’re to enjoy those ‘oh my god’ moments of breakthrough in your development journey. After all, coding isn’t about adhering to rules; it’s about breaking boundaries and extending the frontier of what is possible. Now, do something crazy today; who knows where it is going to take you?

Bonus Tip: Share Your Knowledge Freely

“The best way to learn is to teach others. When you share your knowledge, you reinforce your own understanding.”

If you’ve made it this far, here’s an extra tip just for you! Share what you know with your team, your peers, or the wider community. Write a blog post, give a talk, or help a junior developer. When you teach others, you not only help them grow, but you also solidify your own understanding and become more confident in your skills.

A Big Thank You!

Thank you for sticking with us to the very end! Your commitment to learning and improving your craft is what makes you a standout developer. Remember, it’s not just about writing code; it’s about writing better code, making smarter decisions, and continuously pushing yourself to learn and grow. Keep challenging yourself, stay curious, and most importantly, have fun on your coding journey!



Adarsh Rai

Passionate Developer and Tech Enthusiast | Sharing Insights on React, JavaScript, Web Development, and MERN Stack | Code Improvement Advocate