Crystabel Nnamdi
2 min readJul 6, 2023

Threads App by the Meta company just launched and although it’s too early to say anything, I still want to share my thoughts on Meta’s new baby.

PC: Meta

1. It is good that we have a worthy competitor for Twitter.
Let's be honest, competition favours users and in this case, the odds already seem like they're in our favour.

2. The app seems pretty easy to navigate especially since you can import your Instagram data and maintain your existing knowledge of Twitter.
Be warned though, deleting your Threads account automatically deletes your Instagram account 💔

3. We have one more distraction on our hands so stay woke folks!😂 More screen time loading if you don't take precaution.

4. It's an opportunity to sew (get it😏) meaning information together that will boost your brand, help others and generally make the world a better place.

5. Threads has the potential to steal us away from Instagram and other apps depending on how good it becomes.
Zuckerberg, please don't mess this up.

6. You're about to witness information overload like never before on "how to make your threads visible, marketing your brand on threads and xyz". Brace up!
My ₦10? Be prepared to navigate the app properly instead of hoping on every "helpful resource" you come across.

7. My thoughts and prayers are with social media managers who now have an added app to manage and the entire marketing team. May the force be with you all.

Finally, in the words of Steve Jobs, one of the greatest product managers of all time:
Innovation is the ability to see change as an opportunity—not a threat.

This is innovation and let’s get ready to make the best out of it.

Crystabel Nnamdi

Stringing the alphabet into the most beautiful articles.