Crystabel Nnamdi
3 min readJul 29, 2020


Don’t let people guilt trip you and make you feel like a hypocrite for changing.
Yes you were a thief, a liar, a dishonest person and you’ve done unspeakable things but that’s in the past. Through the love of GOD and his mercies you are changed. You are living your current truth as a testimony of his saving grace and anyone who holds you by your past is still hung on to the old you.
There’s no need to feel bad or downcast, Jesus knows the new you; the you ready to spend eternity with him, the you that has left darkness, dwells in his marvellous light and is gradually by walking in his light. He knows you so they should get to see that your life has truly changed. Your views, opinions and all that are different now and the more you know God and study his word, the more transformed you become so you are this every evolving Christian growing and glowing in the God of grace.
Do not let anyone hold back your growth by making you believe you are a pretender. It’s fine if they don’t get the new you or never will. God knows you are perfect enough to be his child. The flaws you’ve repented of and are working hard to change, he forgave even before he knew you.
Let not your Christian growth be hampered by this feeling the world and your adversary the devil tries to push. Some could go as far as discrediting your identity in Christ and pushing the past as your reality to even people who don’t know you. When you try to preach Christ, they’ll become the accuser of brethren telling the world your story with the hope that no one listens to the glad tidings of salvation you want to share.
You know the truth and like John 8:32 let it set you free. Free to serve the Lord your God in spirit and in truth, in fear and trembling. Men shouldn’t be handled with fear and trembling. Nope! Just the Lord. And if there are sins you still struggle with, remember that even Peter after being a part of Jesus’s ministry got scared at a point to own his identity as a follower of Christ and so denied him. The same Peter was still an integral part of the growth of the early church was highly instrumental in the spreading of the gospel So despite all that struggle, guess what? You’ll overcome whatever it is and God will still use you to take over the nations for him. You’ll share the story of how you overcame and recruit soldiers into the Lord’s army. He knows you are human and habits don’t die in a day however the decision to end those habits are made in a second therefore he is glad you made those choices and he will surely help you all the way.
He is your shield and helper! Never forget this.
Ah ahhh! Enough talk about "but you used to blah blah blah!" I am changed by the power of God and I am no more that person.

I have this website with Milkshake that provides all my social media details, a link to my blog and my other written stuff that isn’t here😊. Please check it out, thank you ❤️

Crystabel Nnamdi

Stringing the alphabet into the most beautiful articles.