Introducing Adbank Beta 2.5: More Security, Control & Transparency

adbank blog
4 min readMay 1, 2018


Advertisers often say that digital advertising is a jungle. Its critics think it is too opaque because they don’t always know where they are, on which sites, in what environment and in what context.

For them, the value chain of this universe is unclear.

A good example of this is how Facebook has been compromised several times over the last year. First, it was revealed that the figures communicated by Facebook to its advertisers to justify the potential reach of their advertising campaigns were very exaggerated.

Facebook itself has confirmed that it has overestimated the advertising activity of its users by 60–80%.

It seems more and more that Facebook and traditional technologies are not part of the solution, but they have become the problem.

Today, advertisers are entitled to demand more than a rate or total number of clicks. Advertisers want complete transparency about the performance of their campaigns.

They must also have visibility on several publishers to make their advertising purchases on the whole of a network or on specific segments, and thus have an exhaustive follow-up of the campaigns up to evaluate the conversion rates of the visitors. Traceability of their campaigns has become more important than ever as digital advertising costs reach an all-time-high.

Adbank is working to solve these problems while meeting the basic needs through a revolutionary ecosystem based on blockchain technology.

Introducing the Adbank beta network:

This initial release allows all stakeholders to see transactions in real-time, a luxury that traditional ad networks have never provided.

Advertisers can see exactly where their budget is going, allowing a better analysis of their costs and ROI. The beta version of the Adbank platform aims to remove middlemen and reduce opacity in the jungle of digital advertising.

This allows stakeholders to fully track and audit the impression path, using ADB token metadata.

In the coming weeks, Adbank will launch the second improved version of its ecosystem, Beta 2.5.

This version focuses on increasing strength in three areas: Security, Control & Transparency

In addition to inheriting the security guarantee offered by its blockchain and cloud infrastructure, Adbank Beta 2.5 adds an additional layer through encryption and a new administration tool.

This version guarantees the validity of the contents, thus an automatic process of the disturbing content detection sends an email to the admin (or multiple stakeholders) if the banner uploaded is suspicious from the ‘Disturbing Content Detection’ perspective and requires review.

As such, the start of the campaign is suspended prior to the verification of the campaign’s content by the responsible person.

With regard to control and transparency, Adbank Beta 2.5 allows the advertiser to be able to execute his campaign by avoiding inefficient sites.

We’ve adjusted the workflow related to the matching process of how a specific ad campaign gets matched up with a publisher website. Currently, the matching is automatic and is based on multiple attributes of campaign and website. The new approach is to be semi-automatic by integrating the advertiser in the process (if required) to provide more control.

The matching mechanism moves from the Campaign level to the Banner level with the possibility to go up. The keywords are now the attributes of the banners; once the banner is created then the user should provide the optional keywords or inherit them from the Campaign level.

Each campaign has keywords (required field), but they are not taken into account by the matching mechanism. During the banner creation there is the optional keywords field, if it isn’t provided, then campaign keywords are set as the banner keywords.

The geo-targeting functionality stays in the Campaign level with the possibility to go deeper in future updates. The advertiser has the option to specify the region, like “California” as the target region for their campaign. On the other hand, a publisher can also specify a zone location on their website so they can measure performance and maximize their site’s earnings.

In the first stable release of its platform, Adbank 1.0, planned for later this year, Adbank offers several innovations in digital advertising including real-time tools (notifications, message and later audio/video) between advertisers and publishers to provide them with a higher standard of security, control and transparency.

Dr. Fodé Touré

Architect & Development Lead, Adbank

