How Case Kenny changed my view on manifestation with one YouTube video

Adbeel’s Catalog
3 min readSep 1, 2022


For several months I have been focused on getting answers to some questions that have been unclear to me… questions about relationships and manifestation, and sometimes a little mix of both.

It stayed that way for a while until I found Case Kenny’s Channel on YouTube. Ever since then, his channel became a safe haven (even though he didn’t release new videos often).

I really connected and agreed with his perspective on love, finding the “right partner” and most especially his view on manifestation.

In a video he made called “How to manifest what you want in life” these were his exact words that grabbed my attention-

“Personally, I used to think that manifesting was this absurd concept, I’d see every Instagram influencer, how their morning routine involved manifesting, I couldn’t help but kind of laugh at it, it seemed so hokey and cliche”

I couldn’t agree more… it all felt cliche at some point and I thought the majority of people claiming to manifest were just doing it because everybody was doing it.

I had a change of heart later on in life when I actually understood the concept of manifestation and realized all the things and people I have attracted to myself without knowing because of the position I put myself and what I always told myself.

According to him, his view on manifestation also changed and it tallied with mine.

After understanding the concept of manifestation this was what he said-

“ I completely missed the point of what manifesting actually is. I understood that manifesting is not just picturing what you want and calling it a day. I’ve learned that attracting tangible things in your life through attraction, belief and manifesting is very real, but it’s not what I thought.

Manifesting is not just listing out what you want and visualizing it, manifesting is all about the story you tell yourself“

Sometimes we let our emotions take the wheel and we tend to take normal things too personally.

Are you lost or are you just exploring?

Is everyone crazy and dishonest or have you just had a bad luck streak?

Are you lazy and talentless or have you just been distracted lately?

We see a bad day or moment as an opportunity to label ourselves as unlucky or a failure; and few bad relationships as evidence that relationships are “not our thing”.

The thing we need to understand about manifestation is that manifesting what we want is all about our mindset. We can not tell ourselves one thing and expect a reality that is the complete opposite.

Visualizing getting a payment of $2000 from writing every month is not enough to make it happen; you have to first tell yourself that it’s possible and then become a better and more dedicated writer, the rest will happen automatically.

Manifesting is not just picturing what you want, but it’s affirming why those things are possible for you.

The truth is that your mindset is everything, and developing an abundance mindset towards the things you want will determine how well you can attract them. Click here to learn 5 Steps to developing an abundance mindset

Why do you deserve to quit your job and earn from writing fully?

Why do you deserve the vacation you’ve always wanted?

Why do you deserve a partner that is ready to put the same amount of effort you’re willing to put in a relationship to make it last?

Affirm these answers to yourself everyday and become that person that deserves them. THIS IS MANIFESTING.

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