Amazing Facts About Ginger Herb

2 min readJan 19, 2021


Ginger is a flowering plant that is widely used as a spice and medicine. It is also famous for herbal medicine. Ginger is a member of a plant family that includes cardamom and turmeric. It has multiple uses like it can be used as fresh, dried, powdered, or as an oil or juice. It’s a common ingredient in many recipes whether we talk about any Indian dish or Continental. It’s sometimes added to processed food and cosmetics and further with which you can make many delicious recipes.

benifites of ginger
  1. Ginger maintains our mouth odor — Ginger is an anti-bacterial that brightens your smile and kills germs. Its active compounds called gingerols keeps oral bacteria away from growing.
  2. Ginger is used for medicinal purposes to cure your infection, pain, and nausea.
  3. Ginger can reduce and give you ease in menstrual cramps.
  4. Ginger soothes Sore Muscles- Ginger is said to cure muscle pain. You can consume 2 gram of ginger and see the difference within 11 days
  5. Ginger Prevents Cancer — According to a study, researchers found that ginger was very effective in blocking prostate cancer cells and their growth. However, due to its anti-inflammatory properties, it can reduce your risk of having cancer.
  6. Relief from the discomfort of the stomach — Ginger soup can do the trick and can help you empty your stomach within 20 minutes after consumption.

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