Landing Page Creation

4 min readFeb 19, 2019


Are your customers hitting the back button? A landing page is the first page a prospect hits after clicking on your ad. It’s your opportunity to make a great first impression with your prospective customer. It’s also your opportunity to lose a sale. Unfortunately, many companies are making a bad first impression and leaving a lot money on the table. We can help you create captivating landing pages that convert at a higher rate than your existing pages.

Contact us today to make a great first impression on your prospects and ramp up your return on investment.

Landing Page Best Practices

Interest Grabbing Headlines — You must create headlines that immediately grab the attention of your prospect. What makes a good headline? Even though print media is slowly fading, newspapers are a great example of creating eye catching headlines. Most people don’t actually read the articles in the newspaper they just read the headlines, and headlines are what sell newspapers. Similarly headlines are what sell your landing page and create interest.

Compelling Copy — Next, you need to create compelling copy that sells your product or service to your prospect. Every part of your landing page copy should be dedicated to getting your prospect to take the next step in your sales process. But should you write short copy or long copy? Should you use bullet points? What should you really include in the copy itself? Should the language be easy to understand or highly technical? The answer depends a lot on your audience and the desired action you would like them to take.

A great place to start, when it comes to writing compelling copy, is with your sales team. What types of questions do people ask them? What kinds of objections do your customers have to your product or service? How does your sales team overcome these objections and get their business? Ask your superstar sales person in your organization these questions, maybe even record some of their phone calls.

After you talk to your star sales person, and buy them lunch, you can then go to work creating compelling copy that speaks to your audience, answers all their questions, overcomes their objections, and last but not least, sells your product or service.

Strong Call To Action — What do you want someone to do when they get to your landing page? Do you want them to fill out a form? Do you want them to buy the product online? Do you want them to call you? Once you have identified what you want them to do, you really need to spell it out for them. Make sure that your call to action is prominent, this will help you maximize your conversion rates.

Have a Great Offer — Why should your prospect fill out your lead form or buy your product? What is the carrot at the end of the stick? With lead forms it’s a good idea to offer them sometime. They are giving up their personal information to you. It could be something simple as a free newsletter or a white paper. The better the offer the more likely someone will be to take the desired action. If it’s purchasing the product online, why should they buy it? How is your offer different from the competition?

Credibility Indicators — Credibility Indicators are your badges of honor. Have you won any awards? Do you belong to an industry organizations that your customers would find relevant? Do you have any clients that have well recognized logos? A landing page can be a great place to display these so that your customers feel more comfortable doing business with you.

Customer Testimonials — Similar to credibility indicators, customer testimonials can be a great way to showcase the level of service that you provide your clients with and build trust in your brand. Next time you speak with a customer who has had a great experience with your product or service see if they would be willing to provide you with a short testimonial that you can showcase on your landing page.

Clean Design — Does your website look like it was created in 1995? If so, then it is a good idea to update to new graphic design that looks clean and impressive. If you saw a store front with a bunch of broken windows and garbage outside it would you go inside? Similarly if you see if a website that looks like it was designed by a toddler do you really want to buy from them? Use clean design on your landing page and you will not be sorry.

Eliminate Too Many Options — When you provide people with to many options most often the option they choose is none of them. Landing pages that provide too many different options can sometimes confuse your prospects, causing them to hit the back button instead of taking the desired action.

Limit The Amount of Steps — The more steps you make someone take the less likely they will be to complete the purchase or fill out your lead form. Are all of those form fields absolutely necessary? Does your shopping cart need to have twenty different steps just to buy your product? Take a second look at what actions you are making your potential customers perform. Would you actually jump through these hoops yourself?

Create A New Landing Page — You must implement these steps on your landing page in order to take full advantage of everyone who visits your site. Contact us to learn how we can help you implement them today.




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