PPC Management

3 min readFeb 19, 2019


When was the last time you actually looked at your PPC campaigns? Are you getting a good return on investment for your pay per click (PPC) advertising spend? Are you sure your accounts aren’t just on autopilot?

Managing PPC Accounts is a full time job and the learning curve can be steep. At AdCortex we provide you with the expertise to improve the return on investment from your advertising spend. This means more sales for less money.

We have over 6 years of experience creating, implementing, and managing successful PPC campaigns. With cost per click going up every year it is very important to have an expert in control of your PPC advertising spend. Otherwise you can be loosing out on potential sales and revenue, or simply generating irrelevant traffic.

Pay Per Click Basics

Keyword Selection — Keywords are the foundation of a great PPC campaign. It is important to find the keywords that best fit your business and will generate the qualified traffic that your site needs. We will work with you to choose the best keywords for your site and eliminate the keywords that are not generating a good return.

Ad Copy Creation — Your customers see numerous advertisements everyday of their lives. Creating compelling ads with a strong call to action are an essential part of any successful PPC campaign. We will work with you to develop creative ad copy that reflects your business best and generates high combination of Clickthroughs and conversions. Our standard practice is to create at least two to four ads per ad group.

Landing Pages — A landing page is the first page someone sees when they click on your PPC ad. Having a well designed, easy to understand landing page is crucial to your return on investment. Remember, this is search engine marketing: That means people are searching for something. You have to make it crystal clear that they have arrived at the right place. Otherwise they will click the back button and you have lost a potential customer. We feel that landing pages are so important we have a service dedicated to creating compelling landing pages and optimizing existing landing pages to maximize your return on investment. Make sure you are not leaving any money on the table with a poorly designed, convoluted landing page.

Negative Keywords — It is important to find the right customers and direct them to your site. What is almost equally important is making sure you are not wasting money on PPC by sending the wrong customers to your site. We will analyze your search query reports very closely to determine if you are wasting money on irrelevant search terms. Search query reports should be monitored at least every 2 to 4 weeks. Are you taking a close look at the kind of traffic you are really paying for?

Content Networks Campaigns — Content Networks are a great addition to search campaigns and another way to reach your potential customers. Content campaigns are very different from search campaigns in how they are created and managed. With content campaigns, people are not searching for your product or service specifically. Instead your ad is displayed next to relevant content. The approach is different but the results can be astounding if your campaign is structured correctly. Imagine you sell are selling energy supplements and your ad appears right next to a blog post on “ 10 Ways to Get More Energy for Your Work Outs”. The person reading the article may not be specifically looking for an energy supplement but your message reached them at exactly the right moment, when they were engaged in looking for way to get more energy for their work outs.

Banner Ads — Sometimes a picture really is worth a thousand words. In some cases a properly implemented banner ad campaign can deliver amazing results. We recommend banner ads for products or services that are visually stimulating and compelling, like a Hawaiian vacation package or a florist shop.

Learn More and Request a Quote — These are just a few of the basic principles you must be familiar with to run a PPC campaign. We recommend educating yourself with the wealth of information available on the Internet and in books. We can optimize your existing AdWords, Yahoo Search Marketing, or AdCenter campaigns or help you create new campaigns to generate amazing results for your business.

Contact us to find out how.




Technology, Trend And Marketing