【Vue.js】Eenvironment Settings

2 min readAug 24, 2023


This article will teach how to build a Vue web development environment from scratch.
Including installing program coding tools, third-party library management tools, Vue itself, etc.

.Install code editors, for example: vscode

.Install a local JavaScript runtime environment, for example: Node.js

.Install a library management tool, such as: npm or yarn

.Install extension in VScode:vetur

.Install the google extension: Vue.js devtools

google extension search

Work for a while, maybe take a break.

.Add a new project folder and open it with vscode.

.Open the terminal under the folder and install vite. You can choose one of npm and yarn. Or other familiar tools.

// for npm

$ npm create vite@latest

// for yarn

$ yarn create vite
Installation demonstration, you can choose the framework and language you are used to

If successful, there will be something in the folder, as shown in the box on the left

.Follow his instructions

cd vite-project
npm install
npm run dev

.Then we will get a URL for local execution. If a screen similar to the following appears, it means that the environment is successfully built.

