Book Review: Forgetting Your Past by Bob Gass

Adedamola Kolawole
3 min readApr 21, 2024


Forgetting Your Past is that book I didn’t realize I needed until I had it in my hands. What started as bibliotherapy to help me deal with a specific hurt became an exposition into other critical aspects of my life.

My pastor, knowing quite a bit about my story, had recommended and lent it to me. He was also gracious enough to let me hold on to it long enough to read it a second time. And this second time was when the book really began to speak to me.

I must confess I started out reading Forgetting Your Past from a place of pride, thinking that I was prepping myself for the ability to extend forgiveness to someone most undeserving. But whose life and form did I find on the surgical table as the words from the book pierced into my consciousness? Not my aggressor’s but mine!

My grudge paled in comparison to the scores I myself had yet to settle with God, and I learnt to receive His forgiveness.

I learnt to forgive myself and move on from my mistakes, a timely lesson since I’m still smarting from a wrong decision I made in 2023. Even better, I learnt how to safeguard my future following spiritual principles.

I read words that spoke specifically to my career situation. Hei. It still feels surreal. It felt like God speaking to my fears and insecurities.

I wish I could direct you to where you can get a copy if you’re interested. But I have no idea. So I’ll be sharing seven quotes that jumped out at me from the book, hoping they speak to you too:

  1. To think that we have to or can pay at least in part for what we’ve done is a sin of pride. To pay for our sins would make us co-redeemer with Christ, insulting the cross.
  2. When Jesus cried “It is finished,” he wrote “Paid in full” across every sin debt you owed. No more will ever be required, and no less will ever be accepted.
  3. God’s grace is most clearly displayed in the lives of broken people. God is not ashamed to be called our God, regardless of our past… It is the broken who become masters at mending.
  4. The true basis of all inner healing rests in our willingness to forgive, and when possible, to make amends to those we have hurt.
  5. “And the word of the Lord came the second time unto Jonah” (Jonah 3:1). God is a God of second chances! (And third ones if you need them!)
  6. No perfectionist is truly happy. Fixation with all that’s wrong and the need to fix it will steal your joy.
  7. God’s opinion of me is the only solid and enduring foundation of my self-worth.

Tell me, which is your favorite quote?

Happy Sunday, Friends.

