Retirement at An Early Age, Is a Great Choice?

2 min readDec 2, 2021


I am still studying at college but it’s my last year. At this moment, most of us (who became fresh graduates) want to make our life great when we are old, so we do anything that we could, like volunteering, having an internship program, making new business, and on. Most of all reason why everybody keeps running even they had the maximum speed are they have capable of doing everything that they want without thinking deeper and especially we really want to have much money, or we can say it is financially stable. The idea of becoming

rich as youngest as we can and retirement as soon as possible

is the dream of million people right now.

I know it seem like cozy and happy life if we had a lot of money, the wealthiness, and the expensive stuff. But have you been thinking, how loneliness kills you inside because of retirement at an early age?

How does it become a poison that kills you slowly and feel the suffering step by step? It’s because we don’t have any dream to reach again. After all, we think we are enough, there’s nothing to fight for our life. The fire to burn the soul to keep life doesn’t exist again. We are roses that are not red anymore.

If you don’t believe me about what is feel because I still fight for my way not retired yet, I have a challenge for you to prove that is true. The challenge is please write it down everything that you want for twenty years in the future, write all that stuff that you want


The wizard things are ok

Just keep writing down

If you wrote it all done, and you are stuck at the one point, the final of your journey when you got everything, yeah that moment you can not feel the burn of your ambition again because it seems enough right? All of that stuff that you’ve been through.

Another question is about what I do next if I had all the things that I want? What next? What for? Are appearing in your mind.

Do you realize something? all that matters is the stuff has a value, is not value that you can sell or anything, but the value of life.

What is the value of life?

When you live your life and do the stuff that you love and you don’t want to retire until death comes.

