My Journey in NFT — Part 1, Experiment with Things.

Addien Fachruroji
3 min readJan 27, 2024


In 2021, i starting my adventure in web3 industry. First i starting off with trading Crypto assets in local exchange. Day-to-day trading, mostly lost since i never good with investing thing and get FOMO easily because i dont know what happen in there.

My biggest lost actually in DOGE coin in that time. Yeah from this perspective maybe you know my knowledge about crypto at that time. So i step back from trading world, and somehow i found NFT. A new way for me who came from design world to earn crypto without buy a crypto. And also solve the in Royalty problem.

In early days, absolutely im going to OpenSea and using Polygon to mint things. Because that everything i know from Google. And from that point, i also became active again in twitter, using my old account of course.


Inspired from the biggest project out there of course Bored Ape Yatch Club, im starting make another series of animals. Start thinking the unique point in visual, i add some animation to make the cat more different

After a little while, i seeing several NFT artist in Indonesia, creating an artwork, not a animal thing. So i wondered, so these kind of art also can be sell in NFT. And at that point i also knew another place where i can mint, its HEN (now we know as Teia) and Tezos blockchain. The only Blockchain that artist friendly in 2021 (by gas fee and community)

‘Fish Wish’

Try to add some story in my artwork, that what i do in my NFT. And this is where i learn again about narration in art. What we want to deliver into public, and sometime i joining Twitter Space to promote mine. At some point i feel, ‘This is something missing in my cats NFT’. Altough in my cats NFT there a campaign that Amelie do, but i feel there still something missing in the Art side.

Im push it into short serial drawing with old japanese folklore? the 3 wise monkey

“see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil”

Now lets do a what if, ‘what if that not a monkey?’ i already fed up with monkey in NFT space. So what if the devil itself doing that? then these what i draw to realize my ‘what if’ idea

Mouth, Eye, Ear

This is really a mark when my gear start kick things. Even the Ear not a success piece, but i can consider this series as my success experimental. Now i got my second experiment,

what if someone buy my artwork, they got an exclusive offer for the next piece?

4 Riders of Apocalypse

I wont make it too long, so i come up with 4 is enough, more than enough. 4 Riders of Apocalypse come up in my mind. Twisting the Horse part with Fish part. Here is my take for that ‘Fish is more myth each time they swim’.

Then, after someone buying my piece, i DM the collector and say thanks to them. I also offer they can buy the next piece before the other.

So the scheme is like this :
‘Pestilence’ buyers get early access offer for ‘War’ piece
‘Famine’ buyers get early access offer for ‘Death’ piece

And voila! These artworks sold out in less than 2 weeks. I also get some engagement with the collectors. and find new way to tell story in visual media.

Thats a wrap for part 1!

