pick my mind

Life can be colorful for the blind too.

The gift of sight is not the only faculty to experience colors.Life can be made colorful for those who lack the gift by using the sense of taste,touch,hearing and smell to explore the beauty of colors and make life more vibrant and alive.

5 min readSep 19, 2022
life can be colorful for the blind too
Image by pexels


picture of a house covered in green grass and surrounded by green grass
Image by Valentina Zotova from Pixabay

The tingling sensation you get on feet by walking on grass early morning is green

The smell of earth just after it rained is green.

When was the last time you anticipated anything, such as a visit from an old friend who you haven’t met for years? Do you recall how you felt early on the morning of this anticipated event, the enormous possiblity of events stretching out before you? That’s green: a flower transitioning from bud to full blossom.

On a sweltering day, when it rains . The drops striking your skin simulate the sensation of seeing something shine. Even when you feel it, each pelt has a small, wonderful surprise.

Green represents the rush of adrenaline when the rollercoaster takes off. It’s the fragrance of freshly mowed grass.


picture of roses in early morning explaining the color red
Image by Roman Grac from Pixabay

Red is the all-encompassing warmth of an embrace or my fingers wrapped around another person’s. It is the emotion and strength that drives a song.

Take any heavy metal song, all loud, full, and scratchy. That type of music, in my opinion, is red; urgent, impulsive, and demanding. Red is difficult to look away from, and it enjoys it that way. It’s always a spectacle.

It is associated with the male principle and can elicit the “fight or flight” response. Red is a powerful and fundamental colour. Pure red is the most straightforward colour, with no nuances. It’s vibrant and energetic, and it’s quite welcoming. It might be seen as demanding and hostile at the same time.


picture of a big yellow door with sunlight falling on it to explain color yellow
Photo by Matt Flores on Unsplash

On a cold day, yellow represents the mild heat of the sun. It is the pages of a book that have been handled by a thousand hands over the course of a century.

The feeling of savoring hot coffee in winter ,the sensation that it creates in the body is yellow .

After a heavy, spicy meal, savoring something cool and sweet, like watermelon or an ice cream. That’s how yellow feels: a rush of energising energy that elevates your mood without becoming too sugary or

mind numbing.

image of beach on sunny day with quite breeze
Image by Walkerssk from Pixabay


On a clear, breezeless, yet pleasant day, blue is the sensation of peace. It has the perfect smoothness of stones found near rivers and seas. It’s the resonance created by playing a soothing symphony on piano.

Have you ever sat alone in room all by yourself without doing anything but not being sad or longing for someone to fill the void or silence but sat alone with peace. It is basically the feeling of sitting alone but not feeling lonely.That’s blue; vast, silent suspension. The sky is blue. People could momentarily forget about their problems by looking up ,but never do.

Blue impacts us emotionally rather than physically, like red does. Strong blues enhance clear thinking, whereas softer, soothing blues relax the mind and assist focus. As a result, it is quiet and mentally comforting. It is the colour of effective communication.

image of black and white chess board
Image by Felix-Mittermeier.de from Pixabay


Remember the feeling in mystery novels were the mystery is not yet revealed but is about to ,that’s black

Black forms protective walls by absorbing all of the energy that comes towards you and enshrouding the personality.

Black has a classy, traditional, and serious vibe about it.

Black represents intelligence,strength, richness, and elegance, but it may also represent professionalism, impartiality, and simplicity.

It’s daring and forceful, and it’s frequently employed to induce mystery.

The rich flavour of chocolate is represented by black.

It’s the time after you wake up, when reality hasn’t yet set in, and everything feels weighty, serene, and secure.

In some circumstances and societies, the color black may also represent grief or melancholy.

image of tree covered in snow and surrounded by snow
Image by Evgeni Tcherkasski from Pixabay


The sound of the wind flowing gently through the pine trees above is white. It’s the soft sound of snowflakes falling on the ground. It’s the sensation of impossibly fine sand slipping through your finger as you tighten your fist.

It communicates , “Do not touch me!” White, like black, represents purity and uncompromisingness; it is clean, sanitary, and sterile. Sterility can also have a negative connotation. Visually, white heightens the illusion of space. White has the detrimental impact of making warm colours seem and feel gaudy.

Image by Myriams-Fotos from Pixabay

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