What paper napkin can reveal about human nature ?

This is called the Paper Napkin Experiment.

2 min readSep 16, 2022

Next time you go to a party at office or you host one at your residence,

try this little experiment.

The first time, put these everyday /regular napkins in a bunch for the guests to use.

Now watch them how carelessly they behave with these napkins.

Taking more than required,sometimes spoiling the orientation

of the whole bunch .

Second time use these instead.

Not much valuable than the previous one

Just a different color.

Watch how their behavior magically changes.(a different color changes people perception towards an everyday common object).

They will carefully pull out only one without disorienting the whole bunch.

They might also retain it longer in some cases .

This little experiment will prove to you how people assign importance to

objects when they appear in different format.

This particular effect is Famously used in movies where the nerdy girl with spectacles suddenly transforms herself into most coveted girl just by a dress makeover and the school bully who used to make fun of her experiences a shift in his perception .

The guy literally goes from hate to love in an instant.This is the power of perception.

Social media companies like facebook and instagram make the utmost use of this power ,as they know nobody wants to be perceived as a loser , hence you can see how people can go to any lengths to increase their followers and get more likes by posting images of their life and acting all happy when in reality everything is in doldrums.




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