Why beautiful women prefer Bad boys(psychology explained)

what kind of abnormal psychology is playing out here ?

3 min readSep 26, 2022
psychology of beautiful women perfering jerks
Image by pexels

Setting aside the good genes theory

lets talk about why beautiful girls prefer jerks

I’ve met a lot of them.

It absolutely makes no sense when you stop and think about it, right?

A truly stunning lady will have a plethora of possibilities.
So there had to be some successful, self-assured, and handsome guys who are also nice and caring, right?

It seems reasonable that those kind of guys would be interested in her as well, so why does she keep dating those jerks ?

It became evident to me as I began to introspect it better why this was the case.

Some women are incredibly drawn to emotionally detached, rude jerks.

They didn’t, however, wake up one day and say, “Hey, who is the most awful type of person I can share a bond with who can make my life more difficult ?”

No, this most likely began in their youth, when they had terrible interactions with their parents, relatives, and loved ones.

Whether they were aware of it or not, their mother and/or father portrayed an emotionally aloof, dismissive, inconsistent, and occasionally affectionate person. An idea got embedded in her subconscious that

“this is how someone who will look after me appears.”

Because every child need love and affection, a lack of it will force her to actively seek their acceptance and attention.
even if that attention comes at a cost of her self esteem.
when she grows up she will be condemned to compulsively

follow this pattern in every relationship she encounters.

Every time she encounters a man who is rude, emotionally aloof, arrogant, and unloving, a profound longing is triggered in her to win that man over.

She will feel tremendous satisfaction every time he displays a little attention, as though she has finally gained the love she could never have before.

She believes she has arrived.

She’ll think that’s what it’s like to be “in love” with someone.

It’s like being ‘high’.

When he doesn’t care, she withdraws; when he does care, she experiences the euphoria junkies do when they do drugs.

It’s all about the high.

psychology of beautiful woman woman on drugs
image by pexels

A man who is consistently kind to her cannot give her that because he doesn’t leave an emptiness , a hole in her psyche so there is nothing to fill; he is simply consistent, and to her…that is just dull.

She probably wants to be with a wonderful person, but her choices say otherwise because he can’t offer her the highs and lows that an unreliable jerk can.

These women aren’t drawn to jerks because he more self-assured, charming, or successful.


It’s because he’s precisely what she’s looking for: a drug.
A medication like any other for someone who has experienced significant trauma in childhood and is unable to overcome it on their own.

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