What to do with the forecast to win money?

Cindy Katss
2 min readDec 13, 2023


example of simple player logic 7. Money factor is the number of players who participate in the draw.

This is a team of outcasts with their last hope, pros or more precisely gamers who cannot live without it, and casual players who try their luck with temporary bursts of playful activity, and

if you ask Alice, she advises a lot of things from a bot that analyzes lottery statistics Modern neural networks:

a startup from logic and codes — TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch and Theano Caffe Deeplearning4j, DL4J Neural Neural Network Toolbox Network Toolbox based on the assessment of past events and taking into account weighting coefficients from past events, these are weak scientific tools for lottery predictions.

For a Data Scientist specialist, this is a difficult task. What to do with the forecast to win money? and how to get free money from the lottery and work

AND THE BIG QUESTION? 4. Utopia of logic, when they try to use intuition or personal preferences, such as the dates of the dog’s birthday, wedding anniversaries, the number of the house in which the player lives or the serial number of the next draw.

The RNG has its own plans for your dreams, its task is to destroy you mentally and financially and you need to prepare your brains for the fight

but how to get stable forecast results and real money, and not the chatter of pseudo “experts”? Many big experts and small trackers want AI created for them for free, that is, for free to solve interesting issues: 28) Development of hardware accelerators and software and hardware solutions to increase efficiency calculations in systems with artificial intelligence. but the sadness comes later when there are only enough plans and resources for plans and presentations, and not for coding the problem statement of the idea

TAGS: #prize #game #predictions #predict #ai #lottery #App #LotterySystems #DataViz #art #intelligence #neural network #game systems #money #risks #startup #startup #Cindy #Katss4, official #site source of information details on seo8ceo .com and they also want this: a neural network and a program for the development of predictive and augmented analytics tools, including integration with advanced data processing tools (Data Science), automatic processing and interpretation of data using AI

see how a forecast is created using startup AI forecast

I am not an explicit or hidden agent of the #lottery organizers, I am personally familiar with gambling addiction, so I am trying to tell YOU what a difficult way to DEFEAT THE SATANISTS and how sweet VICTORY will be over combinatorics.

Are you only interested in money?

