Education as the bedrock of development

Adebanke Ajibade
4 min readJan 24, 2020


‘An investment in knowledge pays the best interest’. -Benjamin Franklin.

The education sector is of tremendous importance in all levels of governance and strict attention should be paid to it. This is because the growth of any society is dependent on the level of education of its citizens. Perhaps this is one of the biggest challenges Nigeria has as a country, due to a staggering number of 60 million illiterates in the country Premium times. With a population of over 170 million people, this puts the illiteracy rate at over 35%. In a fast-developing technological world, Nigeria has its problems cut out for it with its high illiteracy rate, low computer literacy rate and the education system continually producing half-baked graduates that are unable to compete in a technologically inclined world.

The importance of education cannot be overemphasized as development thrives on literacy. A reliance on developing infrastructure, railroads, energy and roads alone cannot go far in improving the economy if the quality of manpower is low. This fact is attested to by the World Bank president Jim Yong Kim who admits the error in relying on infrastructural development instead of manpower optimization Sahara reporters. The Nigerian school system, when compared to those of developed nations, can be found to be inadequate in structure, facilities and equipment. With schools primarily relying on archaic methods such as manual record-keeping, use of blackboards and chalk, endless copying of notes and use of outdated textbooks without access to new material; learning and teaching methods become boring and non-progressive. This is a problem the government is committed to tackling by partnering with Skool Media Nigeria Limited and Edufirst.Ng.

With the introduction of the Edufirst platform in schools, the education sector is about to wear a new look. Skool Media Nigeria Limited is committed to transforming the educational space in Nigeria by providing gadgets such as laptops, tablets and projectors in classrooms for the joint use of teachers and students. This project transforms the classroom from a room with four walls to a digital space. By partnering with Edufirst, Skool Media provides the gadgets on which the Edufirst platform can be accessed by students and teachers.

The Education First campaign kick-starts a new phase in the Nigerian school system with the introduction of Edufirst platform and Edufirst Experience Centres in schools. Teachers are challenged to be innovative and creative with their teaching methods while using these platforms. The Edufirst Experience Centres are established in unity schools all over the federation. These centres serve as innovation hubs fully equipped with technological gadgets and internet service; where students and teachers can come in to access unlimited learning resources which aids the creation of new ideas. With different Experience Centres for teachers and students, everyone has a comfortable space to create.

The Edufirst platform is an online-based platform that was created with the intention to revolutionize the school system in Nigeria. By being an online-based platform, it conforms to the tenets of 21st-century learning as it is accessible from anywhere in the world. This platform provides every individual with the necessary information about everything related to education in Nigeria, gives schools the opportunity to manage school records in an automated way and allow students from different institutions collaborate. The platform eliminates the reliance on manual processes of recording grades as everything is done in an automated manner. More importantly, it serves as a repository of e-learning resources to be assessed by students and uploaded by teachers from any part of the country.

With a motto that reads ‘…the future of learning’, Edufirst is committed to transforming the educational sector in Nigeria with not just a revolutionary platform, but also taking students on innovative courses. Students are given the opportunity to learn computer literacy courses, coding, robotics automation, web and app designing, graphic designing and acquire certifications in Google digital skills. By acquiring these skills, not only is the computer literacy rate increased, but educational institutions also produce graduates that can compete globally as a result of being technologically aware. The Edufirst platform is a complete educational resource for students, teachers, parents and other stakeholders.

Article written by Ajibade Adebanke.

