Eight Tell-Tale Indicators of Counterfeit UX Design
The Eight Tell -Tale Indicators of Counterfeit UX Design has different functionality which can be explained below :-
- Counterfeit Indicator 1:- This actually focus on the Customer Experience Design.
- Counterfeit Indicator 2:- This deals with the Graphics aspect of the Design.
- Counterfeit Indicator 3:- It focuses on the eye tracking.
- Counterfeit Indicator 4:- This deals with the group focus.
- Counterfeit Indicator 5:- It deals with the usability testing of UX.
- Counterfeit Indicator 6:- This has to do with the common sense of the UX.
- Counterfeit Indicator 7:- It focuses on the UX craftsmanship.
- Counterfeit Indicator 8:- Its an indicator that makes you decide.
The useful part of the article which i gained a lot from is the aspect that has to do with “ Usability Tips” which is being explained below :-
MOTIVATION :- It deals with how site can be designed to meet the user’s need.
USER TASK FLOW :- This deals with the user’s environment online,their taste and who they are.
ARCHITECTURE :- It ensures the matching of the User’s term to build a good navigational structure.
AFFORDANCE MEANS OBVIOUS :- Avoiding confusion between the banners,emblems and buttons.
REPLICATE :- Using of ergonomic for most common page.
USABILITY TEST ALONG THE WAY :- Deals with testing the design using flow fidelity prototypes early.
KNOWING THE TECHNOLOGY LIMITATIONS :- HTML,Javascript etc must be tested for compatibility.
KNOWING USER TOLERANCE :- It deals with re-usage of header graphics so they can be loaded from cache in order to avoid excessive scrolling.
MULTIMEDIA :- Specific Information are being attracted by good animation.
USE A STATS PACKAGE :- It deals with the traffic monitoring through the site which has to do with the pages that makes users leave etc.